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Chapter 1: Shocked

        There once was a baby girl named 'Wish'. She was the most beautiful girl her parents and family members have ever seen. When she was growing up, lots of boys would ask her out in courage, but she would always say no. The time came and she went to high school, no one in the school has ever seen anything like her. Just like when she was younger, the boys at the school wants to ask her out, but what they dont realize is that Wish is actually a vampire.

        Vampires have a craving for blood, so to help her not have a huge craving, her parents gave her a neckless with a charm. The charm is a black and silver cross with a blood red heart in the centre.

        And even though everybody loved her, she pushed them away. Her school life isnt easy and she would always have problems at home.

        Also, she has a major crush on a guy named Lucas, which is one of her bestest friends. One day she was walking in the halls thinking, and without realiztion, she tripped and fell on someone.....James. Another major crush.....James' blood type, O-negative, is actually Wish's favourie blood type but James knew nothing about Wish being a vampire.

        After class, at Wish's locker, Lucas went up to her. "" "Yeah." "Well, I just wante-" "Hey guys! What's up?" James said cutting Lucas off. Lucas and James just looked at each other with a "What was that all about?!?!" look. As usual, I have no idea what those boys are mad at each other about. "Anyswasy Wish, I hope you know that you have to wake up, wake up, wake up." I finally woke up, but I was at a place I really didnt want to be in... " DON'T SLEEP IN MY CLASS! YOU HEAR ME!?" the teacher said angerly. Ugh, why in all classes do I have to be sleeping in Mrs.Obbata's class was all I thinking of. I looked around the classroom in boredem, while Mrs.Obbata was teaching the class. While I was looking around the room, I couldn't help but to stare at James. His pale white skin and black swift hair caught my eye, but what really stood out was the sent of his blood, even though I have the neckless on, it doesn't effect me 100%. James noticed me and turned his head towawrds me. "What's wrong?" "N...N....Nothing!" I said nervously. I was blushing, I quickly turned arounded my legs pushes together with my hands in between them, I looked down hoping he turned around too. James gave me a 'what's going on' and 'she's acting kinda cute' look while I was still looking down and blushing.

        School was finally over and I headed home. I made myself a healthy snack and I turned on the TV. After a while I started o to think, what if Lucas and James were one person...that would make my life so much easier. Just at that time, I got a text from my best friend. "PICK UP WHEN I CALL YOU!!!" Before I realized it she called me, and I picked up. "Lianna, what's wrong? You never act like this." all I hear through the phone was her heavy breathing. I got worried and asked her again. "Lianna....." I said quietly "what's wrong?" I asked again. "I....I...." she replied....she paused for a moment and contiuned. I couldn't believe it....the news was something I had to find out whether or not it was true.......This could change everything.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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