Getting Out Of The Friendzone

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“Harry! Wait up!” I yell, running to catch up with him.

“Sorry Gracie, guess I forgot I’m so much taller than you.” He laughs.

“Only by five and a half inches.” I stick my tongue out.

“So, are you hungry?”


“Then let’s go back to your house, and I’ll fix you dinner, how does that sound?”

“Shouldn’t I be making dinner? It is my house.” I counter.

“What about we do it together?”

“Sure, how hard could that be?”

“Thank you so much for spilling vegetable oil all over my jeans.” I tell him, walking back from my bedroom.

“You’re welcome.” He says, with a smug grin.

“So did you finish powdering the chicken?”

“Would I have flour all over my face if I didn’t?”

“Touché.” I laugh.

“So let’s get this in the oven so it can bake, and then we can just hang out.”

"Sounds good." He smiles.

"Ow!" Harry shouts.

"What happened?"

"I forgot to put the oven mitt on and I burnt my hand."

"Oh wow, okay, run it under some cold water and I'll get you some ice."

"No need to make such a fuss over me." He says, shaking his head, laughing slightly through the pain.

"Nonsense, run it under the cold water and I will go and get you an ice pack. Please?"


"Thank you."


I walk out of the room to go and get the ice pack from the hall closet where all the health supplies were.

"I don't hear the water running Styles!" I yell down the hall.

"Because it hurts."  He whines.

"Well it's not gonna get better till you do."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I do, you're my best friend."

"No no no. This is not friend caring, this is more than that. What's going on Gracie?"

"Nothing Harry. Just let it go." I tell him, avoiding his eyes.

"Gracie Bell Hawkins. Tell me right now."

"I love you." I mumble.

"You what?"

"I love you." I say, not much louder.

"Gracie, spit it out."

"I love you!" I yell.

"Y-you love me?" He says, struggling to get his words out.

"Yeah." I say shyly, my cheeks turning redder by the second.

He just stares at me in shock.

"I shouldn't have told you, I knew you'd act like this." I tell him, my tone harsh.

"No, Gracie, no. I'm just surprised."

"Why? You're amazing, smart, funny, and and all around great guy. Why are you surprised I love you?"

"Because we've been best friends for so long, I never expected the feelings to go this deep."

"Well it does. I've actually had these feelings for a long time now."

"To be honest, so have I." He says bravely, his cheeks flushed.

"You have?"


"Why'd you wait so long to tell me?"

"Cause I thought you didn't like me in return, and I didn't want to make things awkward between us."

"I thought the same myself." I laugh nervously.

"Well now that, that's out in the open, will you go out with me?"

"Of course I will."

"And to think, we would have never had this conversation had I never burnt my hand." He snickers.

"So I think we have your stupidity to thank for this, agreed?" I say, trying to hold back my laughter.


Getting Out Of The FriendzoneWhere stories live. Discover now