Chapter 1

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My love story with a boy named Taylor Caniff wasn't like the ones in the books. As much as I wish it was... It just wasn't. We had our fights, our arguments, and our disagreements. At times our relationship blossomed and at times it felt like a roller coaster only going down. But somehow, and to this day I still don't know how, we made it threw. Like a marathon runner breaking threw the red ribbon at the end of the race,we knew we accomplished something not many others could achieve. Our love was something you fight for.

Thinking back on the memories I shared with Taylor even to this present day, my heart seems to break just a bit I can feel it tingling threw my body until I find myself drowning in a pool of tears. He was someone who it hurt to look at because your love was burning so bright. It seemed as if the two of us were somehow connected. When he was sad I was sad, when he was happy, I was jumping for joy too. Our hearts beat as one.

Today, at 23 years old, I still haven't found someone who could amount up to Taylor. He was so caring and kind it seemed as if I could love him until the end of eternity. I want to share my experience with all of you so if you share something as special as Taylor and I you jump on the opportunity and ride it to never land. So here it is, my story with Taylor...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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