WeasleyPotter Ambush Day (HP Next Generation Fluff)

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DISCLAIMER: All recognized characters are property of J.K. Rowling even though I wish they were mine.

Author's note: I made up the ages of the Potters and Weasleys how I pleased, so please don't criticize about the ages, because I honestly don't know which is which. And something else, I made believe Neville had 4 children: (from oldest to youngest) Sam, Rachel, Alexander, and Bailey (Lily's best friend). Neville's kids are completely made up by me.

Teddy: 21 Victoire: 20 Fred: 19 Roxanne: 19 Dominique: 19 James: 16 Molly: 16

Louis: 15 Lucy: 14 Albus: 13 Rose: 13 Hugo: 11 Lily: 11

Lily exhaled deeply. Today was December 13th, ~ Weasley-Potter Ambush Day, or as the guys would call it: Interrogation for the Well-Being of Our Sisters' Day ~.

Every year on December 13th, every male cousin of the Weasley-Potter clan would ambush their female cousins separately and interrogate them to know if there is some boy they need to keep an eye out for. The year the girl starts Hogwarts is the year the interrogating begins.

Lily had begun her first year at Hogwarts in September, and had arrived home for the holidays three days earlier. She knew from the stories Roxie, Rose, and Domi had told her that this day would come, and she dreaded it so much...

Apart from having to reveal her crush to her closest cousins (yeah, Lily hung out more with the guys) she would waste a good hour or so of fun at the Burrow and earn herself a good few months of stalking from her brothers. She made a mental note to curse Jamie and Fred, who came up with the whole idea when Vic started dating someone other than Teddy in her 5th year.

Trying to avoid an early ambush, Lily drank her hot cocoa gratefully and scampered off to the meadow behind the Burrow. On the way, she bumped into Roxanne, who seemed to be in the middle of climbing a tall tree.

"Whoa there, Lils! What're you doing in such a hurry?" the tall, tan-skinned girl asked.

"I'm... running away ... or boys will ... catch me..." the little redheaded witch panted in reply.

"OH! I get it. So am I! I always use reverse psychology on them and you'd think they'd learn by now..." Roxie said, shaking her head.

"Sorry! ... Gotta go... " Lily muttered, and sprinted off to the tall meadow that would surely cover her whole body.

The first snow hadn't fallen yet, but it was still cold enough to see your own breath come out in tiny puffs. Lily wondered how long she would be able to stay camouflaged before her cousins started looking for her. She started to get unusually drowsy but ignored this fact. She started ambling back when she dropped unconsciously on the cold ground...

Lily awoke to the sound of a familiar deep voice.

"When do you s'ppose she'll wake up?" asked the boy with white-blonde hair.

"Dunno," said the younger boy with unmistakably vivid red hair.

Lily blinked and found herself in the warmth of the Burrow's living room couch. She groaned inwardly at the smirking faces in front of her, and nearly jumped off her seat by seeing her two brothers hovering over from behind.

"Sleeping Beauty has awoken!" exclaimed the young man with turquoise hair.

Lily rolled her eyes, but said still drowsily:

"Why'd I fall asleep? And how'd you find me?"

"We slipped you a little something in your hot choco this morning and Louis followed you out," Fred remarked nonchalantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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