Just Another 'Normal' Day

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*Missys POV*

I woke up, stretching out on my small cot i used as a bed. All I could hear was the normal screaming and yelling coming from my fighting parents down stairs. I hoped that they wouldnt bother me, I hated being dragged into their arguments. No matter what I said or did I always ended up being pushed around. So instead of going downstairs I flipped open my laptop and began scrolling through the creepy pasta website. I happened to stumble upon one that i had never read before 'BEN Drowned' i read to myself. As i read through it i thought about going on cleverbot just to mess around seeing if i could talk to this BEN character.

'Hi', i typed in


'Do you know anything about this BEN character, i heard rumors that he liked to hack into this sight'

'Maybe i am him'

'Nice joke, i know he isnt real. Very clever, bot' (pun intended cx)

'You shouldnt have done that'

I quickly closed my laptop. This had to be a joke, he wasnt real. 'You shouldnt have done that', i though to myself. I reopened my laptop to see a new message from cleverbot

'If you dont believe me why dont you look out your window'

As i slowly drew back my curtains i spotted someone outside of my window. He was dressed in all green with brown boots. He had blonde hair and quite odd eyes. They werent like your normal eyes. They were black with small red orbs in the middle where the puples should be, and they seemed to be oozing, blood? I quickly ran to my closet, locking the door behind me. This cant be happening, he was just a made up character in some creepy pasta.

I heard my window slide open and then i heard foot steps approaching the door.

'This cant be happening?!?!' i thought to myself.


ooohhhhh cliff hanger cx. Sorry its off to a rough start im having really bad writters block


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