'Worth More Than a Kidney'

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Is it normal for me to breath on this world?Am I special to exist in a country people envy?

To a person like me,who is suffering from life can be a dramatic and emotional kind of person.

I like to live in a peaceful and luxurious way of life,but that won't happen since you need to go and feel the life of God.

Why did God created us?

He created us to experience some things he experience and didn't experience,He made us to become more successful than him.

Loving ourself is not a problem.We are the problem,we hug the problem but sleep on the solutions.This is what makes our own life go downhill,we blame ourselves and dies on thinking of negative things

God didn't place a soul to a body to make them party in hell.

A soul,that he created by his bare hands,is worth more than a kidney.Can Humans make a soul?No,only God can and noone else.

Remember,Ourselves is the first priorities before anything else.Never create a snake inside of you.#

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