*a quick recap*
Samuel saw the same children beside his bed the last night and was very terrified. He tried to make his family believe him but they didn't. Samuel called his friend Joey for venting and they were on their way to the same Forest.
Samuel and Joey were walking on their way and whistled a song to keep themselves engaged and not feel alone "oii Joey do you wanna hear a joke?" Samuel stopped whistling and interrupted "seriously sam? You wanna tell me a joke in the middle of this fierce forest?" Joey rolled his eyes "Alright i don't care if you wanna listen to this but I'm saying it" Samuel continued "so i saw these mushrooms everywhere and a gag related to it popped in my head" "Go on" said Joey focusing more on walking "Why did the mushroom go to the party?" Asked Samuel "i don't know, maybe because he wanted to dance?" Said Joey chuckling "no, it was because he was a Fungi hahahha" Samuel started to laugh out on his own Joke but Joey looked at him slyly as it was not funny enough "you really think that was funny? Now i feel like laughing on you and not with you" Joey laughed "Where are we going exactly?" Joey said after they walked a bit "Uh to the trilliums patch, where i saw them last time" Samuel replied while looking out for the patch "Are you sure we will find them over there and not anyw-" Joey paused when his eyes fell on a person who seemed their age sitting under a tree at a distant, he couldn't see his face as it was covered with a hoodie, Samuel looked at the person along with him "Do you think we should go talk to him?" asked samuel while looking at the person "Yes but we gotta be cautious, you got a knife right?" Said joey helding his hand out for the knife "No, we're gonna scare him if he sees the knife in your hand" said Samuel declining "Okay then, keep it in the side pocket so its easy for us to remove it when in danger" said joey "That's a good idea" said Samuel agreeing.
Both the boys approached towards the person walking quickly "Hey, who are you?"Samuel asked the person but got no reply , they both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders "Hey? We're talking to you Mr-" Joey asked him again there was a silence so they ignored him and started to walk, as they walked a little, A ghastly yet very strange voice came from behind "wHErE Do YoU ThInk YOU ARe GOinG?" Both of them snapped back and looked at the person in the same position without showing his face "Wh-who are you?" Samuel hesitated while asking as the voice didn't sound like humans "I'm Groooot!" Joey teased, Samuel looked at him making an annoyed face but the person didn't reply as if he wanted to know only what he asked "we're heading to the trilliums patch and it's anyways none of your business unless you don't tell us who you are" Samuel said while folding his hands "THEY'RE EVILS!" the person growled in anger but still didn't show his face, they couldn't even see his body as it was full covered in a cloak "who are you talking about?" Joey confronted "THeY WiLl EAt AwAY YOuR ToNGUeS, GO At YoUR OwN RisK! THEY'RE EVILS!!" the person growled once again, it seemed like he was familiar to them but he still wouldn't tell the boys about him or them. Samuel and Joey were shooked when he told them that they feed on tongues and who knows what not "I ask you again, Who exactly are you and what are you doing in the middle of this forest?" Joey started to lose his patience, grabbed the knife from the bag's side pocket and pointed it towards him, Samuel stopped him and immidiately snatched the knife from his hand "ARE YOU INSANE?" he hollered "YOU KNOW YOU'RE SCARING HIM JUST WAIT UNTIL HE REPLIES YOU DOUCHEBAG!" Samuel got Angry on his friend "You think he's gonna say? You think we got lot of time for this?"Joey opposed "I'm OnE oF THeM" this time the person said in a low voice, Samuel and Joey got chills but doubted "If you're one of them why don't you kill us?" Samuel asked "No WONdER wHY I'M APArT FRoM tHeM. iM HaLF hUmAN anD halF iNDIGo, IT ALL sTARTeD wHeN i ENteRed THiS fOresT JUST lIKE YoU bOTh BUt UnLucKily I cOUld'Nt EsCApe" he paused while taking a deep breath and continued "ThEy AbDUcTeD Me And TOOk ME tO aN UNKnoWn PlACe, I CoULD'Nt SEe anYThinG AS I WAs BLinDFOlDeD, I COUld SEnsE dAngER AnD HEaRD WaiLS Of OtHeR cHIlDReN. I hAD NO IdEA whAt tO do As i WaS frOzEN FeET. IT wAs mY tUrn to fACe tHeiR LeAdeR. HE aTE tOnGues oF Us huManS to sATisFY hIMsELf" Samuel and Joey gasped "How did you manage to escape?" Asked Joey curiously "HE AtE ToNGUes and mADe alL oF Us turN inTo theM, I STTRuGleD To SET mySElf FrEe but i WaS hOStED bY mANy of ThEM. MY tOnGUe wAS EAteN aND sHoRtLY I StARTeD to tuRn. ThE mOrE tHeY gaVe Us to dRiNk a pOtIon, The MorE we tUrN lIke ThEm, i sEnSed tHat i WAs LEFT wIth OnLY oNe CreAture OpeNing mY moutH FOrCeFuLlY TO maKE mE dRiNk ThE POTIon I sCReamed OUt of pAIn And tHat paIn TUrN inTO aNgEr, I KickEd hiM hArd MakiNg hiM HIT sOmeThInG aNd qUIcKly UnTieD tHe CLotH on my eYeS and rAn away AS faSt As i cOUld. I ReStEd aT somE saFe pLAcE FAr AWaY FROm tHeM AnD tHE oTHer dAY i dIscoVerEd tHaT i LooK HaLf LikE theM anD my vOIcE chaNGed LIke aN aLIEN aNd i cOuLd talk SUrPrIsInGlY wItHouT a tOnGUe, i HAd nO coUrAGe to Go baCk HOme BeCaUsE i LoOk HOrrIBlE THaT miGht sCARe oFf tHe peoPLe anD evErSincE i'M hIdinG mY fACe anD livE iN THis ISolATed FoResT" his voice turned low and he sniffed a bit breaking down in tears, listening to his story Samuel and Joey felt sorry for him and realised that it is too dangerous to go "hey, if you don't mind will you reveal your face? I won't be scared as i have already seen them" said Samuel to the person, hearing this the person looked up to him revealing his face "DID YoU SEe THeM!" He exclaimed, Samuel and Joey got to see his face which was not that terrible to Samuel than the aliens he saw on his bed, although Joey was terrified
"Yes i saw them,they were beside my bed but they did no harm to me" Samuel replied the person "tHatS sUrPrIsIng" he said "yes it is and thats why we are going to them. I feel that they got something to do with Samuel" said joey while putting his arm around Samuel to move towards the trilliums patch "We have to go now, we are sorry to see you in this situation" said Samuel looking at him wistfully and started to walk.
They finally reached the trilliums patch and waited to see any of them around. Just in a minute they saw an alien approach them and was alone. They took a chance and forcefully grabbed him, they used their strength to keep him pinned on the ground. He screamed for help and they saw his forehead star turn yellow and it began to shimmer as if it was a sign for calling out the other creatures , Samuel and Joey were confused and scared but on the other hand they didn't wanted to lose hope.
A group of starchildren were coming towards them. Fear crept into both the Lads "i think we gotta leave him or we will get captured" said Joey shakingly but Samuel ignored as his eyes fell on one of the children who was dressed up like his sister Mazie "oh my god, is that-" Joey gasped and was about to say further but Samuel covered his mouth having tears in his eyes. The group came closer to them, Samuel and joey let go the starkid they pinned as they were large in number and they couldn't defeat them alone but out of insecurity Joey flinched and pointed the Knife towards them and told Samuel to stay behind him but Samuel kept staring at the starkid dressed like his sister. He then made a move towards the kid but the other kids made him back off and growled "i just wanna know who she is! I don't want to harm any one of you. Please let me go to her, please..." Samuel begged while his tears streamed down his cheeks but there was no response from them as they couldn't speak but they turned wilder and captured both the boys taking them far away without blindfolding them.
They were placed in a chamber like thing and as they got conscious they started to bang the door but no one responded "My sister is gone, she's gone...." Samuel turned back and lamented in deep sorrow, Joey got tears in his eyes and comforted him by rubbing his back and said "This went really bad... but mate we have no time to mourn right now, we need to find a way out" Samuel wiped his tears to calm down but was out of courage and his eyes were puffed and red. They heard some noise from outside and quickly peeked through the little hole on the door and saw many human children whining kept as hostages. "We have to save them, whatever happened to Mazie was really harsh you're her brave brother Samuel remember this! We have to save them from these evil creatures, after all they all have a family too" joey galvanised him, Samuel nodded with anger in his red eyes.
When the stars fell
Adventurehey there Reader/ my friend You ever wondered how the world would be when the stars fall on the Earth? no, i'm not talking about those celestial bodies in space. I'm talking about certain people originated as extraterrestrials and arrived on Earth...