the beginning of the end

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Hi, my name is Lyria and I am a princess.
This is the story of my mother, High Queen Kira and my father, High King Ember.

Once upon a time,
there was a High Queen and a High King. They ruled kingdom of Foisod and had three children. Foisod is a magical realm on a different planet.
The only way to access it is by portal or travelers. The eldest of the children, Dorel. All of magic was at sake and the only way to save it was to give up their first born to the God Cetaphil. He is 20 now and they haven't seen him since they gave him up.
They have been searching for him for 20 years but have had no luck. It broke their hearts but it was the only way to save their realm and all magic.
The youngest of their children are the twins Lyria and Orena. They were born 2 years later.
Soon after they were born, High King Ember became ill.
High Queen Kira had every healer, master magician, and centaur try to heal him but had no luck. He died a month after they were born. The whole kingdom went into a deep mourning state for a long time.
18 years later, The High Queen was to marry King Florian of Dupes. Dupes is a neighboring kingdom south of Foisod. His Eldest son, Juulon, age 18 and youngest son, Nolos, age 16 were not pleased with the fact that their father was to marry again after their mother died many years ago.
They made it their mission to make Lyria and Orena miserable.

-the wedding-

"Lucien! I have been looking for you everywhere." HQ Kira said. Lucien is my mother's most trusted servant. "Sorry your majesty, I was feeding Topkek. What do you need?" He replied as he bowed. Topkek is our psychic talking bird. Most of the animals here speak English. "I need you to round up all of the people for the wedding. It is to take place in our castle at 4 o'clock. Thank you." He nods and walks away.
Our castle is huge and beautiful. I can't even count how many rooms there are. We have the most beautiful ball room, it's gold with a giant white disco ball. The rest of the castle looks old but nice with vines hanging on the walls and magic roses in the garden. The inside is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It's the most beautiful shade of brown, red, and white. It looks somewhat medieval.
My room is located between the kitchen and the library. It's a big beautiful room with a bed fit for a princess, because I am. I have a walk in closet that is as big as a small room. Orena's room is identical to mine seeing as we are identical twins. Juulon and Nolos moved into their rooms a week ago and have been nothing but rude and annoying to Orena and I. I guess they're upset that their father is marrying our mother.

Beginning Of The EndWhere stories live. Discover now