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—this is from a prompt i found on  @LaikaTaehyung page 

"Ma'am, your package of Khaya has arrived. Shall I open it?"

"No, Belford, thank you but no I shall open it. You may leave- actually no stay with me." You told him as he wheeled the shipment of a certain rare wood that you needed. Why you needed it was, because you had a picky as hell customer who insisted on not only getting Khaya, but using this so called prestigious company that was somewhere in goddamn South Korea.

You grabbed the sharpened knife that rested on your recently refurbished ebony desk. Carefully putting it on top of the seal, you sliced open the box and were met with termites crawling out of it. "Who the- Belford!" You whisper-shouted, "Get my MacBook."

"Yes, Ma'am," He handed you the sleek silver - albeit covered in cutesy stickers- and handed it to you. "Here you are Ma'am."

"Belford, do I seem like a fu- an idiot to you?" You asked him, not trying to trap him, but genuinely wondering.

"Uh, no ma'am. You are quite smart as you tested with a 125 I.Q." He slowly replied to you and gulped, hoping that was the right answer.

"Yes, yes of course. So the appropriate response is to have a meeting and discuss what we should do with this wood, right?" You nodded to yourself as you typed up something on your laptop.

"Yes, Miss?" He questioned as he already knew you hated meetings and found them tedious.

"Hmm, well since I know what the decision shall be..." You trailed off as wrote, tongue sticking out as you concentrated on what to type in next. "Yes, yes. I need to seem respectable in this! There is no way he could not give it back.

You stood up and walked over to Belford. "I am sending a letter to that incredulous man who tried to dupe me out of my money and wood! Ugh, how dare he!"

"Miss Sung a-are you sure this is the appropriate action to this, I mean if you merely explain over a lengthy call-"Belford was interrupted by you huffing.

"Belford, you are my best assistant- no you raised me. Now tell me when have you ever known me to answer a phone call from a random number I have never seen in my life- never Belford. So I shall send this email and he will send the money back." You nodded your head as you clicked send, watching as the mail icon showed it sending.

————- Jimin's P.O.V—————

Park Jimin owns an industry located at the very heart of Busan. He ships materials that are unlike any other. Rare even one might say. Because of this, his company's known to be one of the most successful industries in all of Korea and worldwide.

1 New Email from Sung Co.

"Greetings CEO Park,

I apologize for the short notice, but I do hope you are doing well.

I'd like to talk about the shipment Sung Co., ordered a few weeks ago. It seems like there's been a mishandling during the loading and much to my disappointment. They've arrived in a very bad and I mean, very bad shape.

We've held out a meeting concerning the lack of the materials, and eventually came to a conclusion.

We'd like to have a refund hopefully before the end of this month, that way we'd be able to purchase the needed items on our own.

Thank you for your time.

Yours Truly,

CEO Sung.


"What do you mean he's not gonna send the money back!?"

After much yelling here and there, you've finally calmed down. With a stern look you face your secretary.

"Get me a flight to Busan. I'll have to pay this Park a visit."

"Ma'am, please think this through."

"Belford, I love you as much as I love when I get a return on money for shit quality wood, but if you don't leave now and get me that damn ticket I will be left with no choice, but to take you with me and leave your cat Whiskers behind." You threatened him.

He shook his head and wiped his clammy hands on his clothes. "Yes ma'am, I will get a ticket for two days from now." And with that he scurried off. It took Belford 30 minutes to get the first class Wednesday 4:30 a.m. flight to Busan.


Jimin refreshed his email again -and grunted his displeasure. "Taehyung! How come she hasn't replied yet?" He impatiently asked his secretary/assistant.

"How should I know?" The tall man with silvery- blond hair shrugged his shoulders.

Jimin cleared his throat. "It's Sir to you here, you fool." Then he refreshed his email again only to get no new emails, he frowned and stood up. After, grabbing his coat and shutting down his computer he left the office and said goodbye to his secretaries.

He entered the elevator right before Jungkook, the intern, entered and smiled his dumb (jimin at least thought it was) bunny smile. Jimin scoffed and Jungkook pouted.

"Jiminniee please let me stay at your house today, mom is being really mean and she brought a guy over today, please hyung."

Unfortunately, Jungkook was Jimin's adopted brother. He sighed and nodded, soon regretting it as Jungkook squealed in happiness. "Shut up, little Kookie."

Somehow, at some unknown point in his life, Jimin had let Jungkook weasel his way into his heart. He rolled his eyes, then thought about Ms. Sung. She was undoubtedly one of the prettiest girls he had seen in all of his 24 years of living. She was smart, independent and raised her company and herself in a very literal sense of dirt floor up. She was orphan, he had found this information out after doing a little research on her.

He blinked slowly as a popular beat from the song "Come Back Home" played in the speakers of the elevators. He was ready to go home and sleep and it wasn't even 9pm like usual. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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