Chapter 12: Mirror

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Hello my beasties! I'm back with another chapter for this story that you all love so much!(The song above will be in the chapter!)In this chapter we will be back at the castle with you and Missi, where a few important things will be happening.........

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Missi's P.O.V

Missi was worried about y/n. It had been less than a day since they had almost kissed in the library(yes, she had admitted to herself that they might of kissed if she hadn't pulled away from y/n at the last moment.), and y/n hadn't come out of her room. What was going on?

She and Minoise were currently outside the door to y/n's bedroom.

"You know, I think that you should stop knocking on the door, you're giving me a headache with all of your worrying." Minoise's ears flattened against his head in distaste.

Missi winced. "Sorry." It was true, she was worried about y/n.

"It's alright, I've just never seen you care so deeply about another person before, living or otherwise. It's actually nice seeing how your love for the girl has begun to bring out the best in you..." Minoise grinned as he said those words.

Missi felt her face grow warm. "I-I...." She tried to deny it but then she stopped. Maybe she shouldn't deny it anymore. She did have feelings for y/n, and she really did like her like that.

Minoise noted her silence. "Well, you certainty  aren't denying it..." He turned and started off down the hallway. "Just go and talk to her, you never know, she might just feel the same for you."

He vanished, most likely towards the cellars where Missi knew he liked to hunt rats.

But just as she reached for the door-knob, she heard a voice in her head she hadn't really wanted to hear...

Just what are you doing? The feminine voice purred in an accusing tone.

Missi gritted her teeth. "Lilith, I'm just going to make sure y/n's alright....."

Oh, the little forsaken pup? Well frankly darling, you should leave her be, I'm sure she doesn't want to see you right now....

"Why not? Y/n likes talking to me." She didn't mention how she liked y/n, but Lilith seemed to pick up on her thoughts.

Well of course she does, with the two of you getting so close to each other and all.... Her voice took on an almost threatening tone. But I think that with all of the attention you're lavishing on your girlfriend, you're forgetting the big picture. Remember the spell I told you to find? It's the next step for you to become what you've always wanted.....

Missi knew what Lilith was talking about. "But I don't think I'm powerful enough to do that type of spell, I mean it's so different from the one I used to bring him back, I'm not sure I'm strong enough..."

Nonsense, darling! Of course you are! The sooner you preform the ritual, the sooner the fun will really start..... Her voice trailed off laughing a little. But you shouldn't be so worried about y/n all the time, I think if you really knew about that little forsaken pup, you wouldn't care about her so much....

Missi recognized those words. The forsaken. Wasn't that a term she had read about somewhere?

"Lilith, what do you mean? Y/n's not hiding anything if that's what you're implying......" Missi trailed off, wondering what she meant by that.

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now