The sleepover

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K-so Alex um can we talk later
A-I guess just don't get to steamy😏
L-ok should I go?
L-oh ok I guess since you want me to stay so bad 😏😉
K-Alex will leave right Alex
A-oh yeah bye guys have fun😏
K-ok bye(gets up a shoves Alex out the door and locks the door)
K-ok where were we?
L-I think here(kisses Kara)
K-I think so to wanna stay the night?
K-I guess that's a yes wanna watch a movie
L-sure can we make popcorn?
K-sure I see why not
L-ok 😘
K-hey you can rest I'll make the popcorn what do you wanna watch?
L-how about the nun
K-um sure
Kara doesn't like scary movies but she would do anything for the love of her life
K-popcorns done I'll get the nun ready
K-hey I know it might be to soon but I..I love you
L-aw I love you too and it's not to soon
K-good cause 😘 (kisses lena)
Lena smiles into the kiss
K-ok I need to get the movie ready
Kara start the movie
K-ahh scary (Kara put her head into Lena's stomach)
L-are you ok
K-yea I'm fine(scary part comes again)ahhhhhh
L-come here
Kara snuggles up to Lena
L-your welcome(kisses Kara's head)
Kara falls asleep in Lena's arms
L-aw(turns off the tv)
Lena picks Kara up and brings her to her bed
K-mm what happened
L-you fell asleep
L-k I'm go to sleep(goes to the couch)
K-you don't have to sleep on the couch you can sleep with me i mean if you want to
L-yea sure
Lena goes and lays in bed with Kara
L-night love you
K-night love you too
Kara and Lena go to sleep
L-Kara wake up its already 10:10
K-I'm up
L-Alex is here
A/u hey guys please comment if you want a sleepover pt 2

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