The Race

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The baton cracked against my head again. Fresh blood, mixed with old, clotted blood from earlier, ran down my face.

Pain is just a message, pain is just a message.

“You are the scum of the earth,” my captor snarled. Spatters of red across his face.

“Bite me,” I snapped.

He smirked sadistically and leant forward. His lips brushing my neck in a way that made me shiver with revulsion. I froze with horror; he wouldn’t do it, would he? I screamed and thrashed against my restraints when he sunk his teeth into the thick muscles on my neck and shoulder. If this was a message, I was in the freaking post office.

“You sick, twisted son of a-” I shouted, but he pulled his teeth out of my neck, cutting me off with my own scream of pain.

“That hurts, doesn’t it?” he asked. Ruby red glistened upon his lips.

I whimpered in agony. He slapped me across the face and shouted again,

“That hurts, doesn’t it?”

“Yes!” I screamed. Using my voice made the bite in my throat move and fire race across my mind.

“Good, good, now you’re giving me actual answers” I just cast my eyes downwards. Ashamed to have given him anything, to have even of answered a simple question.

“And seeing as how you’re feeling… cooperative… how about I ask you a few more questions”

I didn’t look up.

“How about you tell me where that big, fancy bomb is. The one that can wipe out all life on earth, perhaps?”

“Never” I whispered. He barked out a short laugh, which made me flinch.

“You see, Zara, can I call you that? It’s just, in past few days we’ve become close. Perhaps not friends, I’m quite sure you hate my guts right now, but I doubt anyone’s gotten this close to you. I mean, I’ve tasted your blood, you’ve listened to my cycotic raving. We know each other in a way no one else does”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why I feel I’m close enough to you to call you by your first name”

“I don’t care! Can you just get on with the questioning?”

“Feisty.” He murmured, “This is the reason I picked you to question. Besides the fact that you know where it is, obviously. However, if you tell us, we could put you bin the race. Rather then just shoot you instantly. You have a chance of survival. Take it.”

“Why are you doing this?” I cried, tears steaming down my face. I had condemned myself to death a long time ago in this hellhole, and being told that I could live made hope flutter in my chest.

“What’s the point? If you get to the bomb you’re going to kill everyone anyway”

“Oh, Zara. Do I look like the kind of person who would try to kill everyone? I don’t want to die, and if I lived and everyone else died, who would there be to talk to?”

I looked at him. looked past my blood, that was scattered across his face, and tried to decide if he would. His brown hair and brown eyes were average. If he wasn’t evil, he could even be kind of cute. But in his eyes. In his boring brown eyes, there was a glint. A spark that glowed hot with rage. But I also saw the truth. He didn’t want everyone to die.

“What do you want?”

“Oh, it’s not what I want. It’s what the company wants. This whole war happened because we wanted to learn about the bomb. Perhaps even find out who built it? But The Order became suspicious. Now they’re trying to stop us. This stopped being research. It became a war.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Because in war, people change. Torture. Killing. People become twisted and standards drop. The Race is a perfect example. To keep moral up, our men watch the enemy fight, race, kill and then die. Because of war, that has become a form of entertainment and enjoyment.”


okay! so that's the first chapter of my fist book. also if you want to laugh check out the video I've added! it is hilarious!!!!!!!!

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