AN: So, this is the first chapter of my first serious book. I'm really not sure where this journey is going, but I'm quite excited about where it'll take us! This chapter and the ones to come are not edited, and if anyone notices something I can improve on, I would appreciate constructive criticism. Even more, I appreciate everyone who takes an interest and decides to read the rocky road that is this story. I hope you all enjoy!

I can't run. It feels like I'm moving in slow motion, or better yet, some kind of putty. I have to physically push down on my thighs with my hands as they come up to propel my body over the dirt path towards my house. Not only have I forgotten how to run, but I have no clue why I'm running in the first place. Unfortunately, I'm reminded why when I rush into my house and turn to face a giant bear hurtling towards my poor little cottage. With a gasp to dry out my lungs and blackness clouding my vision, my hands scramble to lock the back door, clammy fingers fumbling over the metal as I'm forced to watch as this bear makes its way towards my trembling body.

It's getting closer.

My hands can't grip the fucking key.

I can hear it's crazed breath-mingled growls.

It's broken the glass, it's heading right towards me oh god-




I wake up with a strangled gasp, sweat rolling down my forehead and getting caught in the rat's nest that has deemed my head its home. With soft pants now, I recognize the past few minutes as another one of my weird dreams, with the help of my plant-filled room.

"Jesus Christ, Amara, what did you eat last night?" I mumble to myself as I fix my oversized shirt that had somehow twisted itself around my torso during the night. With a yawn, I reach over my flower-printed blanket to reach my phone to search through until I find a music playlist that will fill the silence while I go through my morning routine. My first smile of the day makes itself known on my lips at the sound of Daniel Caesar flooding my room courtesy of speakers that I splurged on last year. Totally worth it.

With a sway in my hips and a light hum on my lips, I make my way into my bathroom where I start to brush my teeth, trying not to make eye contact with the beastly image of a just-woken-up-me. Lord have mercy, I don't look that different than cousin ITT right now. I giggle to myself and shake my head as I spit out my toothpaste. To maybe reverse that comparison, I brush out my caramel-colored hair before washing and moisturizing my face. After finishing, I give myself some kind of confirmative nod in the mirror.

H.E.R gives me more confidence as I dress. Loose-fitting jean shorts that I upcycled from thrift store jeans pair with a tucked in flowy white tank, and after checking the weather, I throw on a knitted mustard cardigan that falls slightly past the shorts. As I step by the full-length mirror, I stop and examine myself. I see a short, 4'11 girl with thighs that fill out her shorts, and hair that barely reaches under her slightly-less-than-average chest. Emerald eyes stare right back at me, and I spend a few more seconds standing in the mirror to get myself confident for the day, reassuring myself that I look decent for the day.

I shrug my shoulders out and grab my tan shoulder purse along with my phone before emerging from my lair and into my living room. My home is little but cute. It's a comfortable space for me, and I am nothing less than proud of the space that I have spent countless hours remodeling and exhausting myself over DIY projects for. Yeah, I basically live on Pinterest.

In the living room, I pass the large tank that holds one of my two best friends, and I stop by to say hello.

"Good morning, Gaia."

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