I'm... I'm ok with this...

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My heart starts to pound even harder as he said my name. As I remembered what I asked of him... I realized... "I'm a masochist!". "I'm going to guess that's a good thing... considering I know how you feel about blood." He said with his beautiful, seductive voice. He drew closer into me, accidentally rubbing between my thigh with his leg while kissing me. I could tell he knew how much he turned me on just by the way he was kissing me.

He holds me close, against his soft, warm body. It makes me feel... "happy" somehow... to know that I'm safe, under his protection. I feel him, holding my body, not wanting to let go... neither do I. I care for this monster, I care for him with all my heart... and I know he does for me. "I refuse to turn you into something like me, because if I did... I would never be able to taste your blood again," he said with a trembling voice.

I... I only wish that he does more than just kiss me and consume my blood. He's not like other vampires... he has a pulse, he's warm, he's gentle... he's nice. Only after I thought of it, he did as I wished. He moved his hand under my belt, and under my underwear. I didn't stop him or say anything, I let it happen... I WANTED to feel his warm, gentle touch embrace my insides... I wanted him to love me more than anything else.

Where am I? (pick at me enough and ill continue this)Where stories live. Discover now