Someone is watching

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My name is Terra Marks. I was a normal teenage girl. Medium length black hair, bright green eyes, and skinny pale body. I was 17 but I only weighed about 95 pounds, but I also had some nice curves.  I was home schooled and I didn't really know a lot of people besides my family. Which consisted of me, my mom, and my 12 year old sister Melody. She looks a lot like me. She is skinny, pale, black hair, but she has brown eyes instead of green. She only weighs about 75 pounds. We come from a long line of skinny people, and this is the story of how me and my sister got kidnapped.

...FYI (for your information) this is my first story so please don't judge...

Terra's POV (point of view)...

"Come on Melody, you said you wanted to go for a walk!" I yelled up to her, annoyed because she is always taking her time.

"I'm coming stop yelling at me!" she came running down the stairs dressed in a white tank top, black jean shorts, black and white sneakers and a skull and cross bones necklace. I had the exact same thing on. We could be twins, except that she was shorter than me by about four inches and she had brown eyes while I had green eyes.

"Alright let's go." I say before heading out the door. We live deep in the woods and at least five miles from the nearest town. We always see all sorts of animals; deer, rabbits, foxes, wolves, and an occasional bear. My favorite animal was a wolf while Melody's was a fox. Me and my sister are very close. We finish each other's sentences all the time. It annoys our mom sometimes, but she still loves us.

As we were walking along a path in the woods I kept getting a feeling that we were being watched. I looked behind me , but saw nothing so I kept walking.

"So what do you want for your birthday?" Mel asked me. Mel is her nickname. I thought for a little and replied.

"I want a new phone. This one is cracked and I can hardly see anything." BTW we have the same birthday. It is just a five year difference.

"What do you want for yours?" I asked her. She thought for a little. Then she replied.

"I want a new bicycle. The one I have right now is old and rusty, and one of the tires keeps going flat." We walked on in silence. I got a strange feeling that we were being followed. When I looked back I saw a shadowy figure duck behind a tree. I got really freaked out. I stopped and stared at the spot where the figure disappeared.

"Terra, what's wrong?" I heard Mel ask. I just kept staring. Then I felt Mel tapping my shoulder.

"We are being followed." I replied

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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