Part 1

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Its hard to act like I don't think about you sometimes. I should win an Oscar

Changbin woke up in a cold sweat. He was shaking from the dream.

no I need to stop all of this was meant to stop

Changbin was seriously ill. He had caught a combination of fever, flu, whooping cough and a stomach bug after sitting next to an unexplainably pale woman on the subway. It was on the way to meet Hyunjin for a coffee at the recently opened JYP cafe. Changbin had been drained from an exhausting day of training for the new comeback, so he had to sit down, even if the woman looked like she was going to throw up at that very second.

The managers decided what was best was to let him rest, which were the orders for a few days now. Changbin has been whining to Chan everyday to learn the new choreographies, but Chan refused, of course health came first.

There was a faint knock at the door of his room.

'who is it' he croaked.

'it's your knight in shining armour'

The familiar sound of his best friend's voice comforted him. Changbin giggled quietly but ending up choking on some mucus he had coughed up

Hyunjin burst into the room, bringing his intense energy into the beforehand depressing cave of illness. Slamming the door, he sprinted towards the slightly scared Changbin, a lump of sadness on the bottom of the bunkbed.

Hyunjin skipped over the mounds of clothes deposited on the floor on the way across to Changbin, doing some cool parkour. Changbin smiled silently, hiding his face with an emoji pillow.

Hyunjin always found a way to cheer him up. Even if it was a trivial smile in the morning, Hyunjin made the draining idol life worthwhile. Changbin was in love with the way he made him feel.

He felt that he could tell him anything and Hyunjin would give him the attention that Changbin so desperately needed. Hyunjin stuck by him during distressing times in his life, and Changbin was extremely grateful.

Changbin was the centre of a mountain of blankets and pillows that the members had donated to the save Changbin charity. All night he had used Hyunjin's fluffy blanket and chucked the other members ones on the floor. The smell of Hyunjin made Changbin all warm inside.

Hyunjin ripped all of the layers off Changbin. Suddenly weaving his way under Changbin's arms: hitting the tickle spot immediately.

'this is for ditching me at practise today'

Changbin was convulsed in laughter and slightly started hurting from how hard his smile was stretched on his face. But then he remembered something.

'wait, what are you doing here? YOU NEED TO BE READY FOR THE COMEBACK'

he jumped from the bed, shoving Hyunjin away

Changbin was annoyed. No one should be less prepared and uncomfortable with the songs/choreographies because of him.

There should only be one person suffering at the music shows, not knowing which way to move for the chorus and thinking they might mess up. If that's what he had to get for making the mistake of catching a bug, then so be it, but the other members don't need to as well.


Hyunjin giggled. Changbin always got flustered like this when one of his friends might be in danger(if not knowing the choreography was a disaster imagine a global catastrophe involving death, how would Changbin react) but Hyunjin tried not to laugh in the face of a fuming Changbin because that's when things get nasty.

'don't worry' Hyunjin tried to reassure him

'hyung said that I could come back to check on you and see if you were fit to come and practise after lunch'

The truth was that technically was a lie. However, Changbin's face blew up into a million shining stars. The feeling Hyunjin felt was euphoric. This boy was truly happy now and it was due to him. Because of him. Because of only him. Changbin's eyes glistened in front of Hyunjin's infatuated view making him burst with happiness.

Enjoying the few times when there could be 1 on 1 interaction between the two best friends, Hyunjin had to make the good feeling last. He swallowed his pride in causing Changbin to be like this and forced himself to make the most believable lie he's ever told.

'yeah Chan said... so are you up for it?'

He stuttered glancing at the ground due to guilt. Hyunjin was never really good at lying but Changbin was never good at detecting them so maybe he could remain unscathed for getting his hopes up.

'yeah of course! This is the best thing ever. Did you ask him to do this? He said I could only join tomorrow, but only if my temperature was fully normal.'

Changbin chattered on, starting to stretch his muscles even though 'after lunch' was still 2 hours away.

God no. Changbin was asking questions. Why did he lie in the first place, he had just sneaked out to check on Changbin.

Hyunjin was getting nervous - doing the usual thing of putting his arm behind his neck in the way the fangirls liked but was actually a nervous tick.

Changbin's laughter was a contagious disease, much like the flu Changbin got on the train, and Hyunjin couldn't get enough of it, so even though it was the wrong thing to do he responded with 'yes, get ready'. Regret flooded his brain but the smile Changbin gave was the most beautiful one he'd ever seen.

// I promise there will be a plot- I'll also update as soon as possible if anyone likes it. Thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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