Lucifer X Sister!Reader

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Heyyyyy!!! Please do note that this takes place after Lucifer's death. Without further a do, to the story! :)

It was as if everything had stopped. It was like watching a single drop of rain slowly descending down to the earth from the sky until it finally hit the ground. Time froze as you stood paralyzed in your place when three simple words flew through your ears.

"Lucifer is dead."

'Please no... Oh God no...'

"Michael has done it," Doomah looked towards the other angels. "My brothers and sisters, Lucifer is no more. Peace is now upon us, 

"How?!" you cried, catching the attention of everyone in the room. "How are you so happy? How can you rejoice at his death?" this couldn't be happening. Doomah looked stunned at her sister's outburst, but didn't seem to care. "Of course you'd be acting this way, sister," she crossed her arms. "You and him were close. It's no surprise you mourn him," was all she said before turning her attention to the joyous angels.

Ever since you were a fledgling, none of the angels liked you. Not one bit. They thought of you as... A lower ranking. All except one.


He had taken an interest on you when God called the Archangels, informing them that they're new sister had been born. You and Gabriel didn't exactly like each other and well... Michael and Raphael only saw you as a lost child. Literally. But it was always Lucifer who was there. Heck, he practically raised you. When he fell, however, you knew he would find his way back to you. You understood him like how he understood you.

You wanted to explode right in front of her pretty little face. But you knew you couldn't. Your legs took off running into a familiar direction. One where you would go to when in doubt. You stopped at the edge of Heaven, overlooking the view of the earth, the galaxies, the stars, pretty much the whole universe. This is where you and Lucifer would mostly spend your time in. He would tell you how each planet was made, and what constellations the stars created.

Falling to your knees, you let out all the emotions you were feeling. The anger, the pain, the guilt, and most importantly, the loss. "It should have been me!!" you yelled at the universe, your voice echoing. "... W-Why wasn't it me... " your tears were pouring. Then, you started singing. This song meant so much to you. Lucifer would sing it as lullaby when you were a fledgling.

"... Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..."

You sang, not stopping yourself now that you had already begun.

"... That saved a wretch like me..."


"Oh~ I once was lost, but now I am found," Lucifer softly sang as your eyes became droopy. His fingers were gently stroking your hair to relax you. "Was blind but now I see," he pulled up the covers. "Oh I can see it now~" he flicked his wrist and the lights dimmed a bit. "Oh I can see the love in your eyes~" using his angelic grace, he summoned you're favourite stuffed (f/a) which he had gotten in earth for your birthday and placed it in your arms. "Laying yourself down~" he leaned in and kissed your forehead

"... Raising up the broken to life..."

~End of flashback~

"...Raising up the broken to life..."

You softly finished. It was like you heard his voice singing the last line of the song with you. You missed him. He was always there to comfort you, to let you cry on his shoulder. He showed you that you were worth living. And now that he was gone, your life shattered and your world was gone with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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