Chapter 14

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~Jack and Mark's private chat~

Jack: Fuck Mark

Mark: Please don't do that

Jack: Last night I got so drunk with some friends and I didn't mean to text you that

Jack: Can we just... pretend it didn't happen?

Mark: Jack

Mark: Did someone take your phone as a prank or something

Jack: Yeah, something like that

Mark: Oh

Mark: Was it true?

Jack: What if it was?

Mark: I don't know

Mark: You live so far away it wouldn't work

Jack: I get it

Mark: I do think I like you

Mark: I just don't want to do the long distance stuff

Jack: That's cool

Jack: I'm sorry for bothering you

Mark: You weren't bothering me?

Jack: I don't think we should talk anymore

Love At First Text. Phan/Septiplier AUWhere stories live. Discover now