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Prolouge ~

He was happy wasn't he. He was a Paladin of Voltron, he had a loving family, he had friends...

Lance McClain felt useless. He was the seventh wheel. Hunk and Pidge could make anything, Shiro the leader, Keith was an ace pilot and an amazing swordsman. Allura and Coran could bring them Any Where in space. But lance, all he could do was shoot a gun, anyone can shoot a gun.
              -LANCE POV-
I wake to the intercom blasting through the castle of lions
"Paladins to your stations, we are under attack"
Alluras voice shouted.

Lance jolted out of bed, scrambling to gather his paladims uniform.
He tugged on his uniform ,cursing.
He sprinted through the corridors, alarm lights bathed the dark corridors in an errie light. When he arrived Keith and the others were climbing into their lions
"Your late" Allura frowned, anger and disappointment in her eyes. She opened het mouth to say more but Keith cut over her
"We don't have any time to bicker" he said sternly " There's a least three galra cruisers out there"
Allura nodded but sent a look of disgust towards lance before climbing into her lion.
Lance gulped 'She was right he was useless' he thought as climbed into red.
Reds eyes light up as he touched the control panel "Lets go bud"
He said patting the dashboard as he goes out.

Pidge and hunk and already taken out  2 of the galra cruisers while he, Allura and Keith focused on taking out the last one. The remaining cruiser shot its ion canon hitting Keith
"Keith!" The paladins screamed rushing to his rescue, suddenly 5 other cruisers came out of popped out of hyperdrive, The paladins swerved back "We can't get to Keith, it's be a suicide mission!" Allura shouted through the intercom.
"what the quiznack! We can't just leave Keith" shouted Lance.
"Alluras right...." Hunk paused "As much as I'd love to get him it would be a suicide mission..."
How could they do that? Leave Keith.
Leave Beautiful, brilliant Keith, it was madness. How could... they abandon Keith....
"I'm going in"
He whispered, shutting off the comms as the rest of the team objected.
He flew in abandoning red lion in space.
He ejected and flew over in his jetback knowing the red lion would go back to the team.
He grunted as he hit the airlock, pain coursing through his body. He shot through the hull, landing bodily on the floor.
It was a mess, Keith was trying to fight the sentries as others tried to take the black lion which stood solitary in the corner.
Shit, He caused enough damage that this part of the ship would be be left vulnerable.
He glanced behind him the rip in the hull was slowly growing. Big enough for a lion.
He needed to get Keith and the black lion outta here fast. He unlocked his Bayard and started shooting
"Wha lance whattya doing" Keith shouted fending off his attackers.
"Get into the black lion, now"
"No I can't not without you"
Keith answered bluntly
"Dont sorry bud I'll be out in a minute, get in the black lion and fly away. I'll set this explosive and I'll go too" Lance said pulling a small black device from his pocket
"What! Why do you have am explosive"
"Well duh to blow this thing up- but no time to explain quickly quickly"
He said panicked.
Keith stabbed one last sentry and ran for the black lion.
Lance shot more sentries and watched as Keith flew off.
Lance ran for cover throwing himself behind some cargo setting the the device. He had 30 seconds. He had no time to get away. He smiled sadly and switched on this intercom again
"I'm sorry guys...."
"Lance what are you doing!?"
"I'm saving you guys"
"Lance.. I thought you said you'd come to p-please" Keith cried.
"I'm sorry hunk my best friend, Pidge you were like a little sister to me, Allura, I know you'll be a great Paladin, Keith... I love you so mu-"
Light envolped him as pain, coursced through every nerve..and then nothing

The paladins watched as the galra cruiser suddenly shone with a brilliant light and then imploded leaving only minuscule amounts of debris. The universe may have mourned a paladin but Voltron mourned a family member, friend, a lover.

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