The Internship

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Beep Beep Beep

I open my eyes and turn over to shut off my alarm. It was a small black rectangular box covered in ACDC logos.

What? It's my favorite band! It was cool but annoying as hell. I shut it off and return to my bed covering my face with my white fluffy pillow.

My roommate busts the door open and jumps on me screaming "GRADUATION DAY! GRADUATION DAY! Hurry the fuck up and get ready. The sooner we leave the better!"

I removed the pillow from my face and stare right at her. I push her off and run into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"Hey! that's not fair!" she screams from outside the bathroom. I laugh and turn on the water. While it heats up, I remove my pajamas and underwear. I say underwear for everything okay. Including my bra. I step into the warm shower and let the water run down my skin. I can't believe it graduation day already. Hopefully I got the internship. I would hate to waste another summer in my dorm. After several minutes of rinsing and repeating , I turn off the water and step out. I grab my towels and dry myself before heading to my room.

Now here's the thing, my bathroom door is right next to the from door.

As I leave the bathroom,out of nowhere my roommate grabs me and throws me out the front door keeping the towel with her. Luckily, I see no one outside and run up to the door and start banging on it.

"Liz! Liz!! open up I'm serious! this isn't funny!" I scream with all my might.

"Nope!" I hear her taunting voice say.

I realize I still had the towel on my head so I remove it and wrap myself in it. After 30 minutes of continuos banging I sit down in front of the door.

I feel the door open and fall backwards exposing everything. I push myself up and run inside.

"Why the hell would you do that!? Someone could have seen me." I scream at her.

"Oh c'mon that was funny and nobody saw anyways." she replies.

"Yea yea" I say as I head towards my room.

I quickly put on my graduation dress and put my makeup on. My hair had dried and it was in its naturally curly form. I brushed the top and put a headband on. I grab my graduation gown and head out. Ding. I turn and notice the green light on my computer. I open it and see two new emails. One from an unknown email and the other from..... CASTLE STORY PUBLICATIONS!!!!! oh my gosh! I quickly open and see the logo on the very top. It's a small book with a castle popping out of it like a 3D book.

Dear Ms.Willows,

We have received your applications and called your recommendations. With a lot of deliberation , we have come to the conclusion that you are qualified enough to be..............blah blah blah contact me at you most convenient time. Blah blah blah

Martha Graham


Blah blah blah

I kinda was too lazy to read all of it. I don't know if you can tell.

Oh my gosh! I got it! I got the the job!I start dancing around my room. I remembered I had another email so I sit down and open it. I'm so happy nothing can ruin it.

I look up at the screen and scream. The email had a picture attachment and it was me banging on the dorm room door naked. I scroll down and read the message.

Nice body

Was all it said. I check the email but it doesn't have an email. How can it be from nobody? All of sudden my mood goes down. I wonder who took that picture and why the hell would they send it to me? What's its purpose anyways?

"Hey! let's get going! I don't wanna be late!" Liz screams from the door.

I quickly get up shutting off the computer. Who sent it? I close the door behind me and lock it. I felt strange though. Creeped out? Definitely. Excited? For my internship , of course.

Let's just hope I'm the only one that saw that picture.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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