You Just Stand Still Look Pretty. <3

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- K, sooo, first time sharing! Let me know what you think, and CONSTRUCTIVE critisism will help, please nothing too mean!(: I love you all and hope everyone has had an amazing day! Vote, Comment, Fan? <3


Prolouge – You Just Stand Still Look Pretty.

            Picture that one girl everyone in your school loves. She’s tall, and slender but with curves in all the right places. She’s got straight, shiny, white teeth, crystal blue eyes, and natural tan and straight, waist length, golden-blonde hair that reaches to her waist. High cheekbones, and naturally rosy cheeks. This girl has a perfect 4.0 GPA, and she’s the head cheerleader and class president. The girl has lots of money, and a mansion size house, along with the perfect family. This girl is friends with everybody, and enemies with none. Not to mention, this girl’s boyfriend is the quarterback of the football team. Seem’s like that girl is living the all American-girl dream. Cliché’ life much?

Yeah. Well, that girl is me. My life sounds, amazing, right? I bet whoever you are reading this, want’s my life at this very moment. Well, whoever you are. Trust me, you don’t want my life. Ever heard the saying, “Behind every pretty girl is a few deep dark secrets.” Okay, well maybe that’s not a saying, but it pretty much sums up my life. I do have a deep, dark secret. Quite a few actually. No matter how picture perfect my life may seem on the outside, I know really, nothing is perfect. Nothing at all. I hate my life. Don’t think I’m not being grateful or anything, because I love some aspects of my life. You know, the boyfriend, money, and all that. But once your assumed as ‘perfect’ you have to keep being ‘perfect’ and that’s hard to live up too. You’d understand if you were me.

            Well, I guess I should tell you about my family. My dad is a heart surgeon. He’s been featured in a whole bunch of medical shows, and apparently he did surgery on Clinton, you know the president back in the 90’s. My mother is a lawyer. She works with the supreme court a lot and does those big cases you see featured on CNN and stuff. Then their’s my little brother and sister. My little brother, is thirteen. Phillip is a big sports star in the middle school, plays football, basketball, wrestling, name it – gonna be a future jock one day. My little sister, Sophia is only three, and still adorable as ever but she’s some type of child prodigy. Her IQ is like super high for her age, and she can already speak some words in like three languages. Sophia’s a sweetheart though.

Then there is my three best friends. I mean, I’m friends with everyone in the school, but these girls are my closest girlfriends and they know everything about me. Except my deep dark secrets of course. There is Anela. Anela is from Hawaii, she moved here when she was twelve. Anela is super cool, and funny. Has an attitude, too but it’s hilarious and she is gorgeous as well. She has copper colored skin, big brown, round eyes, long eyelashes, dimples, chubby cheeks and long, black hair that forms perfect curls. She’s slim but with some killer curves. Anela loves ballet. Then there is Casey. Casey has bright red hair, big crystal blue eyes, rosy cheeks, she is tall and thin. Casey is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. Casey has an adorable, strong country accent and Casey loves football. She would play if they let girls play. Finally there is, Taylor. Taylor is my childhood best friend, and is just perfect. She has the singing voice of an angel and she has long, blonde, beachy waves, hazel eyes, tan skin, and just perfect in general to me. I love her and trust her with my life.

            Last, but certainly not least, there is my boyfriend. Travis. Travis is the ideal boyfriend. He talks business with my father, and helps my mother around the house, fixing stuff. He teaches my little brother, how to get better at different sports and my little sister just fawns over him and I think she has a little crush. He gets a long with all my girl buds, except Anela, who is rather protective of me.  He’s quarterback of the football team, treasurer for the senior class, he volunteers at a church, and he models for Hollister. Yes, I’m proud of him. Travis is just perfect in every single way possible, he’s sweet, nice, funny, smart, strong, confident, Christian..and every other good adjective you can think of for a hot guy. I love him. We’ve been dating since freshman year, and we plan to get married after our senior year, next year. We have our whole future planned out and well, I love him. Travis has sandy, blonde, flippy hair, emerald green eyes, a crooked smile, and a freaking 8 pack. Yes, you heard me. A 8 pack.

Well, theirs my life and the most important people in it. Right now your probably jealous of me, huh? Well, let me tell you something. Boo, don’t be jealous. One, jealously is not a good quality and two, this is my life on the outside. You have no idea what goes on in the inside. What I had to do to get where I am, and what I do to keep how I am. So actually right now, I’m jealous of you.


I already have the first part written, so I'll post it as sooon as I know people are interested!(:

Smile, I love you all. xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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