Wattpad Pet Peeves

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Wattpad Pet Peeves

First of all I would like to let whoever reads this that I'm a reader not an author so this might help any authors out there who are trying to figure out what (some of) their audience hate in their stories.

1) Long titles that basically tell you the whole plot of the story. Notice how the top story on this website; "The Last Dance" is only three words long, you seriously don't need to write out a whole sentence to capture your audience's attention. Just come up with something unique, but not over the top like "I'm a werewolf, my mate is the alpha, but I'm in love with a vampire. WTH?" Yes exactly WTH were you thinking when you came up with the title? I just ignore stories with titles like this because 99% of the time they are cheesy and cliché, not to mention annoying and I'm not the only one who does that I know other people who do it too. Oh, and don't even get me started on lists and math for titles!!

2) If you are going to put sexual/intimate scenes in your story don't go over the top with them and write one on every other sentence. Seriously? Read real world romance novels they don't have that many on them and they are still great.

3) Cussing. If you're going to use profanity make sure you know where to use it. It just makes you look dumb when every other word in your character's vocabulary is a cuss word.

4) Grammar. If you know you're bad at grammar get someone to edit your writing if you can't do it. I'm sure you can get a fan to edit your story before posting it. I mean who doesn't like to be the first to read a story? Grammar really does matter you may think it doesn't, but it does. Especially if you're aspiring to be an author.

5) A story in text terminology is not interesting to read at all!

6) Incest Stories! Seriously? Gross! What are you thinking? Get your head out of the gutter! I have never read one of those stories, but that's just disgusting. Not to mention disturbing.

7) One really annoying thing that really adds the cherry on the pile of crap is when authors write at the end of their story: I need 1,561 votes and comments or else I won't write ever again or I will kill the main character. How desperate are you?

8) LYRICS! I hate them! Not kidding at all. If you can't come up with something to write don't put lyrics in your story just to make it seem longer. Whenever I see stories like this I don't even read them I just skip them or stop reading the story. If I wanted to know the lyrics to a song I would look them up.

9) I'm a fan of mythical creatures, but the stories on here about them (at least 99% of them) are so dumb it's a shame to know those people actually share the same interests as me. Twilight just had to do that didn't it? Ever since.

10) People, plot your story before you write it. It's really annoying when you read a story that has no plot or that even has mistakes. For example: Chapter one he says, "I can't cook at all." Then Chapter ten when they are finally together he cooks her a thanksgiving dinner and says, "Oh I've been cooking since I was in diapers." Another thing is when authors rely on their fans to determine how a story goes. "Vote for whoever you think should become Sarah's man." Don't change your mind for the fans! If they don't like your plot too bad! You will probably write a better story if you write it how you think is best.

11) When you write in P.O.V.'s don't use them unless they are part of a story. Don't just put some random person in there just to make your point known. It's just plain dumb!

12) I think it's really offensive to people when you label based on appearance. Not all pink lovers, high heel wearing girls are a slut and black lovers are not all emos.

13) Wasn't number twelve stereotypical "much?" Much, Much, Much!! I don't know how many times I have seen this word on stories in wattpad it is so annoying! As for other words and phrases. Kick him where the sun don't shine, MUCH and things like that I'm sure you've seen them too if not look around.

14) If you have a successful story that got you popular and received many votes, it doesn't mean that you have to write a sequel. Most sequels just ruin stories and end up completely boring.

15) What's wrong with the what's hot list now days? It should not be based on votes it should be based on originality and uniqueness! Almost all the stories on it are about the same topics: vampires, werewolves, jocks, nerds, rich guys, justin beiber, hot guys, RAPE, twilight, pregnancy, arranged marriages, boarding school ...do I need to go on?

So now you know how we readers think and maybe this will help improve your writing skills if you are a bad author. As authors you need to learn to accept criticism because every book that gets published is criticized by critics, so don't get all offended when you see a bad comment on your story.

P.S. We need more guy authors in this website maybe that will change things here so if you know any try to recruit them. Oh and "The Last Dance" Mentioned in number 1 is a great story that actually deserves its spot on the what's hot list. It is the most original story I have seen on this website.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2010 ⏰

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