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Clarke rolled over and stretched, happy to be safe and warm in Bellamy's arms. This was the way it was always going to be. 

From the first time she met Bellamy, it was over for her. No one else had ever sparked her interest and definitely not her arousal the way he did. She nudged her favorite human, smiling when he groaned and tried to roll over. 

She chuckled, kissing his forehead. "Wake up," she demanded gently. "I miss you."

Bellamy cleared his throat. "Well, let's not make the princess wait," he smiled. "Please tell me both of your parents have a coffee addiction, not just your mom."

Clarke rose from the bed, the cool air of the house making her want to return to his arms and snuggle closely. "My dad is the addict," she told him as they both stretched and began their way to the kitchen. "He used to pick up coffee everywhere he visited. He also just looked for cool designs on the bag," she chuckled, starting up the coffee machine. 

"Don't be in here talking crap about me," Jake yawned, entering the kitchen. "But I do have plenty of choices," he laughed, messing up Clarke's hair the way he had since she was a toddler. "What are the plans?"

She made the coffee, pouring three mugs as it finished. Bellamy had grabbed the creams and sugar, her dad opening a box of donuts and tossing it on the table. They were all silent for a minute, enjoying the hot coffee. 

"Well, we are going to head into town. We will meet up with the old gang, you know?"

"The gang?" Her father pretended to be shocked. "My sweet baby in a biker gang," he fake sobbed. Clarke slapped his arm. "Seriously, that's good. Uh, does that involve Finn?"

She took a breath, but Bellamy answered. "Yeah," he shrugged. "At that party, it was much more than Finn," he admitted, reaching for Clarke's hand. "We had... a lot going on between us and I was really childish and stupid. Clarke and I both have had other relationships, but what matters is she loves me."

Awww, she thought to herself. 

She stood, rinsing her mug in the sink. Bellamy followed, rinsing his as well. "Thank you, Dad. We'll be home for dinner?"

Jake smiled. "If I cook and you miss dinner I'll chop you into a stew and feed it to pigs." He hugged her, kissing the top of her hair. "Go have fun, kiddo."

The two of the got ready, the air between them easy and calm. Would that last this time?

"Should you call Maya?"

Clarke nodded after putting in the earrings Maya had gotten her as a gift. "Yeah, I will. Come on, I want to walk around and show you off."

He returned her grin, wrapping her in a hug. "Lead the way, Your Highness."

Clarke made it into town, showing Bellamy houses and stores she had visited in her time in town. She drove him past the school, her eyes staying glued to the road. Was it anxiety? Probably. 

"Okay," she sighed, parking at the bowling alley. "Oh! There's Maya." 

Bellamy and Clarke exited the car, linking their hands together. Maya rushed over to meet them, excitement on her features. "Oh, it's so good to see you again."

Clarke smiled, grateful for how Maya always kept calm and level. She didn't have that. Others started walking over, making Clarke nervous. 

"Oh, shit!" She yelled, immediately throwing her arms around Luke in a hug. "Bell, this is Luke. He and Glass here," she nodded to the pretty girl next to Luke. "These guys were my group in English."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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