Cry Baby

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S – Steve

L – Lauren

N – Nurse Garcia

R – Receptionist

{Steve and Lauren are sparing in the gym. Lauren is in control and Steve is the punching bag.}

S: Come on. Let's go. You can go harder than that.

{She punches his hand as hard as she can.}

S: Now that's what I'm talking about. Nice job baby.

{They high-five.}

L: Thanks.


{Lauren and Steve are at their house. Lauren has been in the bathroom for some time. Steve wonders what she is doing. He slowly opens the bathroom door slowly so she doesn't notice. He sees her crying looking at herself in the mirror without a shirt on.}

S: Babe, are you okay? Why are you crying?

{She wipes away the tears quickly.}

L: I'm not crying.

{She puts her shirt on.}

S: Don't lie to me, we don't do that. Why are you crying?

L: I'm so fat.

S: What?

L: You're going to make me say it again?

S: Why would you think that you're fat?

{She looks at him and tries not to cry. He walks over to her and holds her.}

S: You are beautiful. You're perfect. Don't ever believe otherwise.

L: You always know what to say to me.

{She hugs him tighter and cries on his shoulder. He kisses her forehead.}

L: Thanks babe.

S: That's what I'm here for, and one more thing.

L: What?

S: You're such a cry baby.

{She laughs.}

L: You're lucky I love you.

S: I love you too.


{Lauren is sick and she needs to get a vaccine. She and Steve are sitting in the waiting room.}

L: Steve, I don't want to be here. I hate needles.

{She holds his arm.}

S: Come on. You'll be great. I promise I'll be right there with you.

L: Good.

{Nurse Garcia comes up to Lauren and Steve.}

N: Hi, my name is Nurse Garcia. Can you come with me please?

L: He can come right? He's my husband.

N: Yes of course.

{They enter the examination room. Lauren sits in the chair. The nurse takes the needle out.}

N: Are you ready?

L: Wait. Babe, come here.

{She holds onto his hand tightly.}

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