The bet

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Dylan's pov: Me, Greg, Mitchell, Amanda and Kelsey were at are lunch table and we started talking about homecoming. "omg we should so do what hapened last year with Sasha Varner!" Kelsey clapped, we all snickered at the memory last homecoming, Sarah and Greg danced then he broke up with he infront of everyone, it was hilarious and the face she made was priceless. "Yeah we should, hmm, who do you think is gullible enough to fall for us." I say glancing the whole cafeteria. "How about Arizella?" Amanda asked. We spot the tan blondie, she was 5'8 blonde hair green eyes, all in all she was a good looking sight. "Yeah, but we got to plan this right." Mitchell added, i nodded my head in agreement. "Hey why don't we bring her over to our table and get to know her better, aka i mean you Dylan." Amanda smirked, i smirked at her and got up and stroded over to Arizel's able. "oh my got dylan Johnson s walking our way." Rebeca Burns said as i reached their table. "Hey Arizella." I smiled at her and she corrected me. "It's Arizel without the a." She totally blew me off. Well thats the first time a girl blew me off normally they would get all blushy and smiley but she was dead set, not giving any fucks in the world. "Okay, Arizel, would you like to hangout sometime." I asked mentally laughing as i am prepared for a yes. "I'm to busy for you sooo.. never." She said turning back to her friends who just looked at her if she was crazy. I did not expect that. "Come sit with us." I offered. "I already have a seat sorry." She rolled her light green eyes. I walked back to my table and sat down. "How did it go Mr.Charmer." Kelsey asked. "She blew me off like if i was a piece of shit on her shoe." I said raising a brow in annoyance. "Ouch, total cockblock!" Amanda said laughing, i rolled my hazel eyes. "So how are we supposed to get her over here." Greg asked. "We keep trying." Mitchell answered.

We all waited out side until we saw Arizel walking so i jogged up to catch up with her. "Hey, Arizel." I said, she didn't answer and kept walking. "What's wrong?" I asked "worried" and she turned around. "You, wanna know why, you fucking annoying." She said with a non-careing voice and went back to walking, by then all of us followed her. "Come on Arizel hang out with us." I spoke i watch her bend down and pick up an object and turned around and threw it, she hit me dead in the face. "What the fuck dude!" Amanda said checking my face and glaring at her. "What did i tell you, follow me and i'll make sure you wont have arms or legs." And with that we left the girl alone and went to go find any pain reliefer after she hit me with that rock. "Oh my god shes a total bad ass!" Greg said as me made it to my house. "Yeah we got to talk to some of her friends to findout what she like and what she does in her free time." Mitchell said. After that we just sat and watched movies untill we came with a perfect plan

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