Part 1

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Shopkeeper: "You sure do come by here a lot, can no one can cook in your house?"

The shopkeeper asked, his hand outstretched to hand the customer his change.

Y/N: "Haha, it would seem I do! Though I can cook I barely have any time to."

Replied a young boy no older than thirteen, taking the change he was owed and a plastic bag containing tonight's meal and a few other items.

The shop's bell ringed as he left the store, bag in hand and a small smile on his face. Above him, a blue figure jumped through the sky like a bird, moving from building to building at an incredible pace.

After a quiet walk back home Y/N opened the door to his home and stepped inside.

Y/N's dad: "Hey son, how was your trip to the store. Sorry I couldn't make dinner again."

His father got up from his creaky chair and stood up slowly. He was fairly old and wore a dirtied t-shirt and dark jogging bottoms. His face had stubble around his mouth due to him not washing properly. In his had was an empty can of energy drink that he placed in the almost full bin near the wall that connected to the kitchen.

Y/N: "It's fine dad, just try to clean up the best you can. It's hard to find time to clean with all the jobs I'm doing so it would be helpful if I had less to clean."

Y/N reached into the plastic bag and pulled out a can of the same energy drink that was just thrown in the bin and placed it on the armrest of the chair. Moving past his dad he walked into the kitchen and pulled the two ready meals from the bag and opened them.

Y/N's dad: "Aha, sorry. I forget sometimes don't I? Anyway Y/N, could you do another favour for me?"

Y/N: "...I suppose so, what is it?"

Y/N's dad: "I have this message that I need to be sent to one of my old friend's houses. We're supposed to be meeting each other in a couple of days and I am a complete tart when it comes to your gadgets."

Y/N began to chuckle lightly and smiled at his father; walking towards him and taking the note, patting him on the shoulder.

Y/N: "I'll be back in a bit then. Don't eat everything yourself."

Y/N's dad: "Hahaha, I'll try."

His father waved him off and closed the door for him as he left. Looking down at the note he saw an address written at the top and pulled out his phone to get directions.

Y/N: "Thank God it's not that far away."


After a quick stroll through the city of Musutafu Y/N had arrived at where he was supposed to hand the note in. In front of him was an apartment building at least four stories tall. There was a set of power lines in the view of where he was looking, partially blocking the balconies that spread across each floor.

Y/N stepped inside the building and went passed each door until he found the door matching the one written on his note. The doorbell made a ringing sound as he pressed it which caused it to be opened by someone.

There in front of him stood a woman around the same age as his dad. She had very dark green hair that looked brown in the current light, her eyes had the exact colour as her hair. She kept the door closed slightly but she was still in clear viewing.

Inko Midoriya: "Hello, who might you be?"

She kept a keen eye on him, not sure who this H/L H/C boy was at her door. Was he a friend of her son or was he not?

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