Total Drama The Comeback Episode 6

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Chris: Last time Alejandro strikes again with causing DJ to go home! Which team will win? Which team will lose? Find out on this episode of TOTAL DRAMA THE COMEBACK!

Harold: Finally your up

Courtney: THANK YOU!

(Courtney gets up and hugs Harold)

Harold: Ew get off me!

Courtney: You like me and you know it!

*Confessional Courtney: You'd think I'd have memory loss but I don't my memory is fine! And for Harold to not call me a friend at this point is ridiculous he likes me! But I don't like him of course! But I do appreciate what he did for me... ok I like him as a friend!*

Harold: did the shovel hit your head to hard?

Courtney: I don't like you of course! I appreciate what you did though

Harold: Isn't that shocking

Courtney: Hey!

Harold: I'm just stating the truth!

Courtney: Ok fine yes I like you! But only a tiny little smallest of bits

Harold: I didn't need your friendship anyways if your just going to hide it from other people anyways!

Courtney: Fine!

Harold: I do so much for you after you cost me a million dollars! And I can't even be your friend!

Courtney: I'm trying to be friends with you! I honestly am. I don't know how to do this! I've never just been in a "friendship" with a boy it's always boom love!

Harold: Here let me take you on the Harold friendship experience!

Courtney: Oh god... what did I get myself into...

Harold: The friendship experience that's what you got yourself into!

*Confessional Tyler: Yesterday was a close call... if I'm going to make it past the merge game and to the finale I'm going to need to get my challenge game on point! If only there was a jump of the tallest building and live challenge... So what did I do? I stayed up all last night training!*

Tyler: Hey Gwen!

Gwen: What's up Tyler I did you sleep last night? I didn't see you asleep when I was going to sleep...

Tyler: Nope! I stayed up all night training!

Gwen: First of all Nice you pulled all nighter! Second of all how are you still in if you trained all last night?

Tyler: I dunno

Gwen: Huh? Interesting... anyways I got more drawings to show you!

Tyler: Oh god...

Gwen: Relax there not as bad as the doll!

Tyler: They better not be...

Gwen: Nope there just detailed drawings of...

Tyler: I thought I said no horror!

Gwen: Nope it's just feral Ezekiel

Tyler: Ezekiel's horror in itself now add the detail and make him feral that's even worse!

Gwen: Ha! Ha! True

Tyler: No more drawings for me! For my own eyes safety of course I don't need nightmares

Gwen: Fine... no more!

Tyler: My eyes have safety now!

Gwen: I mean they do but if you want to hurt your eyes you can always come to me!

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