Chapter 1

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My heart beats faster and faster as his deep blue eyes stare into mine. He starts to sing his solo that makes me melt. "If I'm louder, would you see me, would you lay down, in my arms and-" My eyes shoot open at the sound of my alarm clock going off. I take my alarm clock and throw it at the wall.

I press my pillow over my head and try to get back to my dream, but I can't. "Rosie! What was noise?" I sit up yawning.

"Nothing mom." I yell back. I walk over to my mirror to see a big red mess on my head.

"Come on Rose, breakfast!" I head down the hall to the stairs when I hear Evan calling me from his room.

"Wosie! Wosie! I want out!" He jumps around in his crib with his hands up. I go over and give him a good morning kiss.

"You sure are getting heavy."

I take Evan downstairs to mom making messy pancakes. "Are you late for something?" I ask her.

"Evan has a doctors appointment in a half our." I sit down as she serves me some lumpy pancakes. I ate them so that she wouldn't feel even more stressed out. I leave as she tries to feed Evan breakfast, he hates to eat breakfast, and it useally ends up all over her instead.

In my room I stare blankly at my closet deciding what to where. I finally found something decent and began to undress. I look over at my many posters of One Direction. "Perverts" I say putting on my shirt. Doing my hair takes forever, at least 20 minutes or so. After it finally looks decent, I go to do my make up.

Just as I finish my putting on my mascara I get a call from Natasha. "Hey Nati, vas happenin?"

"Ok, ok, I found this pic of Louis today and I was like..." She starts making this weird drooling noises.

"Ya, I'm still not ready yet, are you guys close yet?"

"About 2 blocks away, might as well come outside now." I hang up and get my backpack and purse and take one last look at myslef in the mirror. I head downstairs to where I find mom still trying to feed Evan.

"I'm leaving now." I say over Evans cries. Mom walks over all dirty in most of Evans food.

"Bye Emmie." She says giving me a kiss on the forehead. She steps back and smiles, I could tell she's tired.

"Bye Wosie! Kissy! Kissy!" I walk over to Evan and give him a kiss on his food covered mouth. His food tastes awful, no wonder he hates breakfast.

"Bye Evie, bye mom." I wave bye as mom continues to struggle with Evan.

I stand outside waiting for the bus when it finally comes. I climb inside and head to where Nati sits alone and slide in next to her. "Hey"

"Ok so anyway, Louis had like no shirt on and I was like..." She starts to sing the angel sound really loudly.

"Um, Nati, people are staring..." I say looking around at the people watching.

"Who cares? I can talk about my future husband whenver I want." She said the husband part even louder.

The rest of the bus ride is spent talking about One Direction like we do every morning. We pull up to the front of the school when I see Sam talking with his friends. Nati must have caught me staring at him. "Why don't you just ask him out?" I turn and look at her, having the urge to slap her.

"I can't just 'ask him out', especially a guy like Sam!" The bus stops and the doors open.

"Well I'm taking you to go talk to him." Nati grabs my wrist as we move quickly off the bus. I try to brake free but her grip was to hard on my. "Hey Sam! Rosie wants to talk to you!" Nati yells loud enough so the whole world could hear. I grab a tree with my free arm and hold on until Nati rips me away.

"No Nati, Nati no Nati!" I say as we get closer and closer to Sam.

"Hey Sam." Nati says when we get there.

"Hey Nati, hey Rosie." He gives me a smile and I get butterflies.

"Hey there Sam!" I said way to perky. I feel like an idiot.

"So Rosie, what did you want to talk to me about?" Sam asks me. What do I say? I don't know.

"Oh well I was just wondering vas happen- I mean, what's up." I try to look as cute as possible so that he doesn't notice to much of my stupid.

"Nothin much really. Hey I need to get to my locker now, so I'll see you guys later ok." He gives me and smile and winks at me. When Sam is out of sight, I turn to Nati and grab her by the shoulders. "Did you see that?!?"

"Yup, you're welcome." Nati says giving me her 'I told you so' smile. We laugh and give each other a big hug.

The bell rings once I get to my locker that tells us we have 5 minutes to get to class. "Oh shit, I have a math test today." I say to myself sighing. I grab my math book and binder and shut my locker. I turn around fast and slam into another person. "Hey I'm sorry..." It turns out to be Sam. Super.

"Oh hey again Rosie, and sorry that was all my fault." He picks up my book and binder and hands them to me smiling. When he smiles, he looks a but like Niall, but not even Sam could ever be as hot as he is. He takes a look at my binder reading it. "I love Nia-"

"No no no, um ya that's nothing." I say taking my binder back quickly.

"He's from One Direction isn't he? I over hear you and Nati talking about them sometimes."

"Ya, he is. He's like, really hot and stuff...n-not that all of them arn't cuz they are." Kill me now.

Sam laughs. "How about I walk you to class?" My heart stops.

"Ya that'd"

We start walking and we actually get to know each other a little more. As he talks, I watch his light brown hair bounce as he walks. I watch his almost grey eyes, like they have a story of their own. His smile doesn't leave his face when he talks, witch I think is a good thing. I could out of the corner of my eye that people were looking at us, but I didn't care.

There's a pause, and we both just awkwardly look around. Then, I feel his hand touch the tips of my fingers. I look up to meet his eyes, and he smiles at me, and I smile back. I have a feeling that he ment to brush his hand against mine. Maybe he really does like me, my mind is racing, I don't know what to think. I decide that I should just enjoy this moment while it lasts, and let whatever happens, happen.

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