Who said girls can't get down and dirty with boys 22 : Explicit

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1) This chap starts in NICOLE"S P.O.V.

2) This chap contains HEAVY SEXUAL CONTENT


Chapter 22

The rest of the day passed in a blur of hating glares and annoying girls. Dev and Cal had every class with me. We had 15 minutes left 'til classes were out for the day.

My stomach was tied in knots and I couldn't sit still.

"Are you ok?" Dev asked, noticing my condition.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, fidgeting with my pencil. I glanced up at the clock for the hundredth time; 4 minutes left 'til my meeting with Ty.

What could he possibly want? What if he confessed his undying love for me? Oh god, what would I do then? Or what if he declared his eternal hatred for me? The suspense was killing me.

As soon as the bell rang I ran from the room, bag in hand and took off in the direction of the gym. And as luck would have it I was in the furthest building from the gym. I burst through the metal doors, to see Ty and Heather kissing, a strangled sob escaping my lips before I could stop it. They didn't even look up when I came in. I felt my eyes well up with tears and sprinted out of there before any of them could fall.

In my haste to get as far from them as possible, I collided with something hard. I looked up into Dev's smiling face. When he noticed the tears falling down my face, his smile vanished, replaced with a look of concern so tender, that it had me crying even harder.

*~*~* Devin's P.O.V. *~*~*

I was waiting for Cal to get back from his locker when someone crashed into me, causing me to stumble several steps back. I looked down and saw Nic, a smile forming on my face instantly. She looked up at me and my smile immediately disappeared. Her face was devoid of all emotion, but I could see the tears tracking down her cheeks.

"Nicky, what's wrong?" I asked, picking her up and pulling her into a hug.

"Nothing." She said quietly, angrily scrubbing at the tears on her face.

"Are you sure?" I asked doubtfully.

"I'm fine." She said, avoiding my eyes. I felt someone clap me on the back and turned to see Cal.

"Hey bro, are we going to basketball practice or what?" He asked, not seeing Nicky.

"Yeah, in a sec." I said, turning back to Nicky.

"What do you-" He started to asked, but stopped when he saw Nicky. "Hey Nicky." He said, flashing her a happy smile.

"Hey Cal." She said, flashing him an empty smile.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok? I asked, once more, reluctant to leave her.

"Yeah." She said and started walking towards the gym.

*~*~* Tyler's P.O.V. *~*~* (B4 school ends)

1 minute left, I thought to myself watching the clock. As soon as the bell ran I was out of my seat and running to the gym. I sat on the bleachers, waiting for Nic to walk in. I was finally going to tell her how I felt; hopefully she feels the same way.

I heard the metal doors open and turned towards them expectantly, only to be let down.

"Hey Heather." I said, not wanting to seem rude. She walked over to me, swishing her hips sensually.

"Hey Ty." She said, trying to sound sexy.

"Did you need something?" I asked as she stopped right in front of me.

"You." She said, leaning closer and closer to me.

"Heather, it's-" I started, but was cut off when she slammed her mouth onto mine. I was too shocked to do anything, so I just sat there as she raped my mouth with her tongue. She brushed her way down my chest and started stoking the front of my pants.

Me being the horny teenage boy that I am slowly started to respond to her touch, much to my disgust. She felt my bodies reaction to her and took it as encouragement.

*~*~* Heather's P.O.V. *~*~*

I felt his body stir and decided to go all the way. I unbuttoned his jeans and freed his manhood. I heard the door open, a single choked sob and then running footsteps. Good, that bitch thinks she can steal my man? Well, she better think again. Ty heard it too and tried to push me off without hurting me, but I wouldn't let him.

Couldn't he see that I was perfect for him? I pushed my underwear down, still kissing him. I changed my position, so that I was straddling him, my core positioned right above his manhood. I slowly sunk down on his hard shaft and moaned. He filled me thick and hard and deeper than anyone else before.

"Ohhh! Ty, you're so much bigger than Matt!" I moaned, instantly regretting the words as they left my mouth.

"Heather get off." Ty groaned, as I seated myself to the hilt.

"I don't think you really want me to get off." I said, raising myself almost completely off him, before sinking back down. Ty and I moaned loudly.

"Fuck!" Ty moaned.

"That would be nice." I said in response. He flipped us over, causing me to gasp as I felt the cold metal bench against my back. He ripped my top off and dipped his head, his tongue skimming the undersides of my breast making me whimper.

*~*~* Tyler's P.O.V. *~*~*

I reached behind her and unclasped her bra, spilling her breast into my hands. I dipped my head, and slipped her nipple into my mouth as I pinched it's twin, getting and answering pulse in her core. I pulled almost all the way out before plunging back in, not caring how rough I was with her.

Damn, because of her I'd probably never get Nic now. Nic probably thought I had set her. I kept going until she convulsed around me. Until she screamed in pleasure. My face set, feral in its intensity, I lunged a final time and held myself taunt around her as I came, arms shaking, teeth bared.

I collapsed on top of her, neither of them able to move.

"What have I done?" I groaned, feeling lower than dirt. I can never have Nic now, I thought, guilt coming over me in waves.

"What do you mean? Obviously you just had sex with me." Heather said confusion filling her voice.

"I came here for Nic." I said, guilt crashing over me again and again. I pulled my pants back on and sat on the bench, my head in my hands.

"What are you saying? Why would you come here to see her? Have you slept with her?" She asked, shooting questions at me.

"No I haven't slept with her, and now I never will. I like her, that's why I came here. And Nicole is NOT a bitch. She's determined, sweet, smart, kind, funny, and so much more. You will never be as good as her, so stop trying!" I shouted grief and anger making me lash out. I stormed out of the gym, leaving her stunned.

At least I won't see her at basketball practice, I thought glumly.

*~*~* Nicole's P.O.V. *~*~*

I walked back to the gym, the image of Heather and Ty burned into the back s of my eyelids. I walked into the girls bathroom and changed into basketball shorts, a tight tank-top and basketball shoes.

I threw my bag into the boys locker rooms, not caring who it hit. I felt the dull throb of pain in my right thigh as I walked towards the gym, and chose to ignore it. I waited outside the gym, afraid of what I might see if I walked inside.

I didn't dare go into the gym until I heard Tyler's voice, followed by the slam of metal doors. I walked in; ignoring Heather and the superior smirk she sent my way. I started to stretch, and hissed in pain.

I was going to get through this practice; even if it killed me and it just might do that, I thought as the ache in my leg increased.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2010 ⏰

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