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I sigh staring at myself in the mirror and frown and look away. “Such a lovely dress… But why do I have to wear it…” I look at the blood red corset and the pure white skirt. I let a few tears fall down my cheeks. “Princess Victoria, are you almost ready?” I look behind me to see a beautiful blonde girl standing in the doorway to the chamber they put me in. I look around the empty chamber looking for who she was calling princess because it certainly wasn’t  me I don’t even know where I am so how could I be their princess plus princess aren’t real anymore not in this day and age. “Princess, please answer me.” I look at this girl closer she looks like a servant by her clothes but she looks as if she should be called princess. “Who do you keep calling princess?” I say looking at her confused. She smiles and giggles at me as if she heard an unspoken joke then is taken back when I don’t laugh with her, “Oh! I’m sorry my princess! I meant you. You do know you are soon to be wed to Prince Victor, correct?” She says smiling at me and walking to me and wrapping her arm gently around my shoulders and pulling me from the candle lit room. “Wait what are you talking about! I’m getting married!!!” I yell trying to pull from her grip but I can’t break from her iron grip. “Yes you’re getting married your hair, your eyes, and especially your birthmark! You’re the one true princess! Our Prince’s one and only!!!” She yells all this smiling as she pulls me to another room with a beautiful wooden with a lovely emblem on it, a heart with bat wings next to a sliver crest moon. “That’s certainly a beautiful door… I hope the room is half as beautiful.” I say. She bites her lip and forces a smile. “Of course it’s beautiful it’s the princess chamber.” She pushes the door open and to the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen. “It’s… beautiful…” I stammer out speechless. “Yes it is but we won’t be here long.” She walks to the wardrobe and takes out a long black veil. “Here are. Now just let me put it on you and we will be on our way to the wedding.” She puts the veil on my white hair putting the front over my eyes. Then she places a small crown on top of the veil. “Oh I forgot! I can’t have you trying to run from our prince!” She put shackles around my wrists and raises the skirt of my dress looking at my bare feet and the shackles around them. “Why am I in chains?” I say letting a few tears fall down my cheeks. “Like I said we mustn’t have you running from the Prince.” She smiles and hands me a bouquet of blood red roses and pushes me into the hall. “Where are we going?” I say as we walk down a pitch black hallway. “We’re going to your wedding, Princess Victoria.” She says opening a door with beautiful piano music coming from the room. “We are here…” She opens to reveal a handsome boy standing at the end of the aisle with a large amount of people on either side of the aisle none of which I had ever seen. “Walk down the aisle the elder is here to give you away.” I bite my lip and start walking down the aisle and feel someone link their arm with mine. “Take a deep breath and close your eyes till we reach the end.” I hear a calming voice whispering into my ears. I take a deep breath and close my eyes and walk down the aisle listening to my pounding heartbeat. “Open your eyes, Princess Victoria…” I open my eyes and instantly feel calm, loved, relaxed, terrified, and a whole other mix of emotions I never knew I could feel. I finally smile for the first time today looking into his beautiful blood red eyes. “Princess… it is time to meet your Prince… Turn around.” I smile and nod then turn to see one of the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. “Hello my princess.” I look into his eyes and see love in his eyes. “I’m sorry… but I really don’t know why I’m here… And I don’t know that I want to be here…” I frown and bite my lip looking at the ground. “Don’t worry my Princess, you don’t need to know. All you to know is that I love you completely and wholly.” I frown and close my eyes and think of the ‘elder’s’ kind face.

My crimson PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now