1. Uneasiness

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       Something had changed. Something big. Michael didn't know how he knew, but he knew. There was a sense, he couldn't quite place it, but something was different. Maybe it was something in the air. Maybe he was paranoid, but he had the constant feeling that someone - something,  was watching him. 

Maybe it was in his head. Or he was simply nervous about something, he didn't know what for he had no reason to be nervous, but the human brain works in strange ways. 

Shaking with uneasiness, Michael pulled on his sweater over his head, messing with his hair and grabbing his car keys. Despite the ominous feeling, he decided that he was going to have a good day. That was his philosophy, if he had a good day, every day, than every good day would turn into a good life. And his good life would inspire others in a butterfly effect, spanning the whole world until everyone had a good day all that same time.

Damn those months of therapy really messed him up. 

Of course he knew it was stupid, no way that would actually happen. But that wasn't the point, it was to inspire him to have a good day. Michael believed that positivity was the solution to most people's problems. All you had to do was see it in a new way, a different angle. S ure, Jeremy had started calling him a walking cat poster, but it was better than the days when he wouldn't talk to him at all.

A perfect example of his philosophy. He smiled, determined to look for the good and therefore, have a good day.

Little did he know that it would certainly not be a good day.

Michael started his car, turning up his music, Don't Stop Believin,' a classic. Ever since last semester, when all that shit had happened with Jeremy and the Squip, he had started listening to some upbeat music. His parents had shipped him off to "therapy," but it hadn't been too bad, he actually enjoyed himself. 

Sitting in a chair, talking about shit with a person who pretended to care about his problems because they got paid, it was great. Michael laughed a little, pulling out of the drive way and heading to Jeremy's house because, even with his stupid car, he served as taxi service for his best friend.

     Jeremy was waiting on his front porch, blue cardigan pulled up to his nose to protect himself from the cold January weather. He was huddled on the last step, watching him through heavy lids as he pulled up. "Hey bro," Michael called, "the limo has arrived!"

Those startling blue eyes rolled as Jeremy hauled himself off the ground and hurried towards Michael's car, slamming the door shut. Michael smiled at his friend, driving off towards their day of imprisonment, which, was still going to be good imprisonment because he was learning, and he was determined to have a good day.

Chills rushed through him as he thought this, but Michael played it off as the rush of cold air Jeremy had brought in by opening the door. He looked at the heat dial, which was on full blast. Yet he was still cold. "You cold, Jere?"

 His friend shook his head, "Its burning up in here. Why do you keep it so hot?"

 Uneasiness rushed through his system, his heart began to pound in his ears. That same something from earlier had followed him here, that strange feeling. It had grown stronger around Jeremy, as if his friend were a source of the something, or at least, had a role to play in its sudden appearance. A presence, not that of Jeremy or Michael, seemed to be in the car with them. Michael could feel it, watching, almost amusingly, as if it were laughing at his discomfort.

 Not that that would change his good day, he had sushi in his lunch bag, a slushi in the cup holder, and his best friend frowning at him. Okay, without the frown it was a recipe for an absolutely perfect day.

Athazagoraphobia (Squip x Jeremy)Where stories live. Discover now