Come Along With Me ||Gumlee||

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|A/N~Yep, doing a Gumlee because I've been reading a lot of them. Sorry if it sucks, I've just really been wanting to write one. Please, please, please, vote and comment. PeaceSkies my FanSluts. ♥|


GumGum's P.O.V

I sat up in my king sized bed, stretching my arms up and cracking my back. I yawned and scratched my bare chest, standing up out of bed and walking to my bathroom. My pink room was hazy and when I turned on the light in my pink bubblegum scented bathroom, everything was blurry and I cringed from the light burning my eyes.

I sighed as I waited for everything to become atleast somewhat clear and blinked a few times before it did. I turned on the shower and grabbed a towel and cloth, pink cupcake infested boxers and my royal duty clothes. I never really liked the puffy shoulders and everything about the clothes so I always wore a T-shirt underneath it with blue skinny jeans. Yea, blue. Not pink.

I undressed and stepped into the warm water after checking to see if it was the right temperature. I sighed as the water dripped down my back and all over my cold and tense body. I was stressed from all the papers and bills and having to call Finn and Jake to help with the Candy People.

But mostly, it was Marshall Lee, The Vampire King.

I ran my fingers through my pink bubblegum hair.

Marshall. Marshall was... he was... I can't even describe him. He was everything. He was perfect. He was freaking annoying as shit. But nonetheless perfect. He was causing all the ruckess around The Candy Kingdom and mostly Aaa. I couldn't call Finn and Jake to handle it because they were, well, friends with him. Marshall and I weren't even close, sadly.

He always loved to pick on me. Teasing me and pointing out all of my flaws and sneaking up on me. It hurt since I had a tiny crush on him.

I know, I know. Prince Gumball has a crush on the Vampire King. It's not really a big deal. I mean, come on, how and why would someone ever like me?

I noticed I was just standing there, biting my nails. I groaned and grabbed the shampoo, ridding the thoughts of Marshall from my head. Pft, like that's possible.


I sat at my desk, legs crossed and the end of a pink pen in my mouth. I stared at the letter in my hands, my eyebrows crossed.

hey gumwad. I need some help over in the nightosphere. mind coming over for a bit? -ML

Sloppily written by Marshall Lee. I had a feeling he didn't need help and was just wanting to tease me once more. I am not going to the Nightosphere.

"Hey, watcha readin' there, Gummy?" I jumped and stood up out of my chair, turning around to be face to face with Marshall. Noses touching, he smirked and flicked his tongue out, licking my cheek.

I quickly took a wide step back and wiped my cheek with a fake look of disgust on my face as he hummed, "Mmmm, bubblegum, yummy. You really are sweet aren't you, Gumwad?"

"Stop calling me that. And stop licking my cheek everytime we meet."

He pretended to pout, "But GumGum, I love your taste." He smirked and winked as I blushed and glared at him.

"Shut up, Marshall Lee. What do you want?"

"Oh, we have an attitude today, I see."

"I will ban you from this kingdom in a split second if you don't hurry up and tell me. I have a lot of papers and bills to read and sign. And I would like to be able to get them done today." I growled.

He stopped floating and stood on his feet, walking towards me. My eyes widened with fear and I walked backwards, my back hitting the wall.

He put his finger under my chin and tilted my head to meet my eyes.

"My mother is out of town for a few... years and it's lonely at my kingdom. So, I was wondering if I could stay here for a while. Get to know you. Maybe even become your friend. How does that sound, love?"

I stammered and started blushing from how close he was and I knew as soon as that one word slipped through my lips and into the air that I was going to regret this more than anything in my entire life.



|A/N~Okay, just a little bit of this. First chapter though. Chapters will be longer than this, I assure you. Okay, well, love you, my lovely FanSluts. PeaceSkies. ♥|

Come Along With Me ||Gumlee|| (BoyxBoy) WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now