Surprise Sleepover and Troyler Cuddles (one shot)

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Tyler P.O.V

I waved goodbye as Connor, Mamrie, Hannah and Grace all piled into the highlighter yellow taxi, smiling in relief as it drove away. It isn't that I don't love having them over, but they're a handful and make quite a mess to boot. I shut and locked the door, turning with a sigh to stare at the wreck my living room had become. Three empty bottles of  red wine sat on the table, surrounded by long stemmed glasses and the remainders of snacks I had hurredly made when Connor texted ten mintues before arriving.  Their forgotten coats littered the floor, along with my twinkie costume that was accompanied by the hamburger and several other things from my closet. Grace and Mamrie had decided it would be a good idea to film a video, though I knew from what I witnessed most of it would be edited out. 

Sudden movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention, the heap of blankets that were piled on the couch shifting. I stared at it a moment, almost screeching when it moved again. Whatever it was, why did it look like it was breathing? What the actual hell? Was I losing my mind?

I inched forward carefully, every horror movie scenario I could think of flitting through my mind before being rapidly replaced with another. What if it was a murderer that somehow got in? A burglar? I continued to creep nearer to the sofa, stopping when I was within arms length, my heart beating a frantic rhythm inside my chest. Snagging the corner of a blanket I took a deep breath, muffling a squeal as I yanked it off. I don't know what I was expecting, but of all things, what I didn't think I would see was Troye. He let out an almighty yelp, sheilding his eyes from the sudden brightness.

"Troye?!" I shrieked incredulously, my voice stretching over a few octaves.

"Tylaaaaah, what are you doing?" he groaned.

"I could ask you the same thing!" I said, trying to cover up my shock.

"I was sleeping," he huffed at me irritably as he sat up and rubbed his red rimmed eyes, yawning in the process. I wanted to be mad or at the very least pretend I was, but he was absolutely adorable. I couldn't be grumpy with him, it was practically impossible. That and not to mention he was most likely drunk and extremely tired. I've never figured out what it is about Troye and red wine, but exhausts him. 

I debated internally a couple seconds before asking, "So, um, do you want me to drive you back to the hotel or do you want to stay the night here?"

Troye looked at me with bleary eyes, the tiredness radiating off him in waves. "Can I stay, Ty?" he asked, tilting his head to the side while his eyelids continued to droop.

"'Course you can," I said with a slight smile. "Just let me get everything ready."

That and get you a glass of water and painkillers for in the morning, I thought to myself, leaving him to head to my bedroom. I turned the covers down so when I carried Troye in I could easily lay him down and tuck him in. I hurried to the kitchen, bathroom and back to my room, setting the Tylenol and glass of water on the bedside table before heading back to the living room.

I came back to see Troye sprawled out on the couch, lanky limbs splayed in various directions. How he could be comfortable like that I honestly had no idea. Then again, we were talking about someone who had once fallen asleep leaning on my shoulder in a crowded subway station in England. I guess I really shouldn't have been surprised.

Slowly sliding my hands and gradually my arms under Troye, I gingerly scooped him up. Troye grumbled a little when he settled in my arms but showed no signs of waking anytime soon, so I started towards my bedroom. Treading lightly and carefully, I finally made it through the door to the bed, proud of not letting any part of him hit the door frame. I laid Troye down inch by inch, pulling the soft sheets up around him after making sure his head was cradled by the pillow. He looked like such a dainty princess when he slept, a true Sleeping Beauty. His full pink lips were parted the smallest bit, and his eyelashes cast feathery shadows across his flushed cheeks. I made my way to the door, my plan being to go clean a bit before heading to sleep on the sofa.

"Tilly, where are you going?" Troye grumped from behind me, making me jump. I thought he was asleep! I turned on my heel to see him pouting and making grabby hands in my direction, his ocean blue eyes barely open.

"To crash on the couch?" I responded uncertainly, trying not to giggle at him.

"No, you're not," he mumbled, scooting over in my bed, his hand motions becoming more insistant the longer I stood still. "C'mere."

I went back over, staying standing.

"What'd you want Troye boy?" I asked, earning an extremely exasperated look from him.

"For you to come here," he said with a frustrated grunt, reaching out to me once more. His nimble fingers found my belt loops, swiftly pulling me down to land beside him with a squeak. As soon as I hit the bed Troye latched onto me, winding his arms around my waist and drawing me to him. He let out a deep sigh before burying his face in the crook between my neck and shoulder.

"That's better," he whispered contentedly, humming with satisfaction as he locked his legs with mine.

Part of me wanted to tell Troye I had to get up, while the other part wanted to lay here intertwined with him. I wanted to fall asleep to him breathing gentle puffs of air on my neck, him wrapped tight in my arms.

So I stayed. I reached over to turn out the light, Troye's body following mine as I moved. When I settled back down into the matress he immediately conformed to me again, shuffling until we were as close as we could be. I chuckled at his clinginess, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer.

I expected him to complain like he usually did when I squeezed him like this, but to no avail. Troye simply let out another happy sigh, skimming his nose along my jawline before nuzzling his head back to the juncture between my neck and shoulder.

"You smell good," he informed me drowsily before kissing my neck, laying his head down and falling asleep instantly.

I lay there shocked while a grin worked it's way across my lips and a blush crept it's way through my cheeks.

Now that was not something he usually did when we cuddled.

Troye Sivan Mellet kissed me.

Granted it hadn't been on the mputh like the one in Italy, but a kiss was a kiss. A swarm of butterflies flitted through my stomach and warmth shot through my body. My heart was beating unsteadily and I wanted to squirm with joy, but I couldn't without dislodging Troye so I contained myself.

With my mind swirling I settled in further against Troye, bringing the blankets up to cover us. After making sure the duvet wouldn't fall off if one of us moved, I set my glasses on my bedside table next to the pills and glass of water. Settling back in for the last time, I let my mind wander.

What could the kiss have meant? Does he like me, or did he just do that because he was tipsy?

But they say drunk actions are sober thoughts or something like that, so maybe not? Should I kiss him tomorrow and see his reaction, or would that be too weird? That kiss in Italy though... things definitely haven't been the same since then. I think we both like, hell, maybe even love each other. It's time to find out for sure. Before he goes back home and I don't see him in person for weeks, I'm going to smooch this twink and see what happens.

Content with the decision, the gears in my mind slowed, and all I focus on is my Troye boy and his deep, steady breaths. In minutes I found my own eyelids drooping as his were earlier, and with a sleepy smile I softly kissed the top of his head before drifting off, still clutching him tightly in my arms.

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