A Trip to the Market (Danzai x Kunikida)

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Kunikida stood in the middle of downtown Yokohama adjusting his glasses as he checked his notebook. The green journal with the word "Ideal" written on the cover held many things. It held every action of the day down to the second, it was his guide for life as well as a catalyst for his special ability. The only thing that mattered right now though was how long it was going to take him to get to the grocery store. Adjusting his glasses once more he was interrupted by a loud groan. "Do I really have to go shopping with you?" Atsushi asked in a complaining tone. Kunikida closed his journal, turned and focused on his son. " If not you then who?" he responded to the boy. Atsushi groaned again and began walking off "You could just ask dad I'm sure he's taking a break from his daily suicide attempts." The taller blonde scowled as he walked to catch up with the boy. "Either that or he's flirting that waitress again" he replied in anger. "When we get home his ass is mine." he finished. Atsushi giggled bringing his hand to his lips trying to hide his laugh. "In more ways than one huh?" he mumbled into his hand. Kunikida went for a swift kick but Atsushi dodged it quick using his ability all while laughing. Straitening his attire he continued as he walked: "Anyway do you really think we should bring your dad with us to the store?" Kunikida asked. Atsushi stopped in his tracks and turned to his father and asked: "Why not? What's the worst that could happen?" Kunikida ignored his brat of a son and continued to the store.

A block away from said store the two stood waiting for the light to turn so they could cross. Just when they were about to a voice called out "Boy!!" The two turned towards the voice and there stood Ranpo with a smug look on his face. Atsushi and ran to the others side and asked: "What are you doing here?" Ranpo quickly lost his smug look as his body deflated. "I was on my way to a case an then I remembered I don't know how to ride the train" he replied. In an instant, his confidence was back as he looked proud once again and said: "But no matter you're here now so you can come with me." Atsushi showed a look of shock and responded with an "Eh." Ranpo paid no attention to the youngers refusals to go as he dragged him off. "Wait you brat, where do you think you're going?" Kunikida screamed after his son. "Father remember me well your baby boy is being kidnapped by this giant man-baby who can't live his life properly" Atsushi screamed out to his father in a fake cry. The taller watched as the two finally disappeared from his sight. Seeing as he was now behind schedule he fumed with anger. He took out his journal once more and checked it again. Calculating how long it should take him to get to the store and how long until his next appointment he figured he had exactly an hour to finish everything. He couldn't do it all on his own so he needed help. Not really wanting a repeat episode of last summer he didn't want to call his husband but he had no choice. Kenji was helping Naomi and Tanizaki and Kyouka and Akiko were helping the President prepare for a function later this week. So it looked like he had no choice. He opened his phone and dialed his husband. "Ah, my sweet petal of a flower have you called to say you love me?" Danzai asked as soon as he answered the phone. Kunikida huffed in annoyance but anyone could plainly see the blush on his face. It was a rare sight indeed but the only person who could make it appear was the man who also drove him to want to commit murder. "No one called for that, now get your ass down here to the Market and help me shop." he forced out. " Hai, Hai my sweet little petal," Danzai replied and ended the call before Kunikida could reply.

Kunikida had been waiting at the entrance to the market for 10 minutes. Each minute that ticked by he got angrier and angrier. The man may be his husband but he was an infuriating ass: who really had a great ass. As he was daydreaming of the dirtiest things he wanted to do to that great ass his phone rang breaking him out of his thoughts. Answering the phone he heard a "Help!" Panic began to set in as he recognized it was his beloved. "Where are you Danzai? Where are you?" he asked frantically. Danzi coughed slightly before answering: "Come into the store and check the freezer aisle." as his teeth chattered. The call was suddenly lost and Danzai panicked again and ran into the store. When he reached the freezer aisle there he saw his idiot of a husband inside the freezer case that held the frozen vegetables. He was shivering with his teeth chattering as he tried his best to give his husband one of his dazzling smiles. Kunikida stood there watching in astonishment just how stupid his husband really was. He took one final glance at him adjusted his glasses and turned to leave. As he was walking away he heard a banging coming from the freezer he turned to see the human icicle mouth words. Standing trying to figure out the message but refusing to release him, an older woman stood beside him. "Dearie is that young man ok?" she asked. Kunikida shifted his gaze towards her and with a bright smile he said: "Yes ma'am he is, he just really likes vegetables." The older woman waddled her small body over to the freezer case and opened the door. "Come on out son or you'll catch your death of cold," she told the freezing man. Taking one foot and shakenly stepping out with ice blue lips in a crooked smile he responded: "I could only hope so." The old woman shook her head as she scurried off saying something about how big the generation gap really is. As Danzi took another step he began to stumble. He suddenly felt arms around his waist pulling him into warmth. Looking up he saw his husband watching him with a look of worry hidden by a scowl. "Awwww my sweet little buttercup cares." Danzai cooed at the taller man. His body immediately slumped to the floor making an "Oomph" escape his lips. "That wasn't very nice my love...I'm a dying man," he complained right before he sneezed. Kunikida stared at him through his glasses rolling his eyes. He bent down helping the frozen man back up. "What the hell were you doing in the freezer in the first place," he asked. Danzi sneezed again before he spoke: I read how freezing to death was like going to sleep and I thought hey I like sleep so why not. But no one said the freezing part would hurt...I'm not a friend of pain" he pouted to the other. Kunikida shook his head in disbelief wrapping his arms around his husband trying to warm him up. He placed a kiss on his icy temple and whispered "Idiot" into his hair. "Let's skip shopping for today and get you home and warm you up," he said to his husband. Hearing this brought a little more warmth to Danzi but this time in his groin area. He leaned in closer batting his eyelashes: "Showers are always best for warming up especially if they're done with my husband." Another rare blush was suddenly blanketed across Kunikida's face. "Let's go idiot" he whispered as he dragged the frozen man home.

@Rukia_blaq  wrote this marshmallow ass fluff so if you like it Woo to the muthacluckin hoo!!! If not you already read it so now go and complain to her about it!!! lmao 

@Rukia_blaq  wrote this marshmallow ass fluff so if you like it Woo to the muthacluckin hoo!!! If not you already read it so now go and complain to her about it!!! lmao 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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