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I know that most people hate author's notes. 

I am one of those people.

It's just like, ugggghhhh, I don't want to hear about you and your nonsense, I want to hear about the dumb actual STORY.

But bear with me.

This is necessary, I swear.

1st- This is a collection of one-shots from every single ship I could possibly think of, including ones that I despise. For example, Allurance. It's gross. It's disgusting. There is no point to it. Allura is dumb and Lance deserves so much better than her. And yet, I will still write an Allurance one-shot for those few weirdos who do like it. 

2nd- I try to avoid swearing as much as possible, both in my writing and real life. I don't enjoy seeing it or hearing it, and it would be much appreciated if you could keep it out of the comments. I know that half of you will either a) ignore this completely or b) not actually read this at all, and that's chill. For the other 50%, thank you for respecting my comfort zone. 

3rd- I love talking to people! Please comment and ask questions and make suggestions and all of that crap! No matter how scary I might seem, I promise that I don't bite.

4th- Although my mom is a proofreader, my grammar still isn't perfect, so please tell me where and when I make mistakes.

5th- If anyone has a ship that they want a one-shot written for, please dm or comment! I love to write but sometimes I need the extra encouragement of someone wanting me to write something.

6th- I swear that I was going to put something here, but I completely forgot what it was. Tell you what, if I think of it later, I'll put it in another annoying author's note. 

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