Chapter 1

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(A/N: welcome to the sequel made for the story My Child ( The Huntress DBD ) by @espeones. Where they left off is where we begin)

(If you havent read My Child, I suggest you do that before you read this)


Those of you who lived to tell the tale may have truly escaped.. but you cannot stop me from bringing more into my new realm. Did you think you'd be special forever? You will live with this knowledge, and may it haunt you for the rest of your mortal lifetime.

Something it said to put (y/n) on edge.


A sudden burst of energy caused (Y/N) to wake up and check herself, to make sure she was still there. Of course it has been a year and more than a couple a months since (Y/N) was released from that hell of a realm but she couldn't help but feel that she was still there.

Trying to shake the feeling, (y/n) forced herself out of her bed, taking a glance to her alarm clock, the girl realized it was past 10 AM and she hadn't even had breakfast yet, quickly (y/n) got out of her (f/c) sleepwear and threw on a random outfit.

Making her way towards the kitchen, (y/n) passed the living room taking note that Cameron was asleep on the couch; with his arm hanging off the edge, barely holding the remote control. (Y/n) guessed he was up late last night watching a movie.

After having her breakfast, (y/n) quietly made her way towards the door, making sure she didn't wake the sleeping man. (Y/n) already informed Cameron and Julia that she'd be visiting The Huntress that day. Excited to see Anna, the girl took her bike and rode off.


Arriving at Red Forest, (y/n) hopped off her bike and looked through the trees for a moment, looking around herself she noticed a green truck parked off to the side. Looking at it for a little bit, wondering if Anna had gotten to the person or people who came in it.

The girl shook off the though and started making her way through the trees and towards the cottage where she knew she'd find Anna eagerly waiting for her, if not then patrolling the forest.

(Y/N) listened carfully for the hum of The Huntress as she walked, at first she heard nothing till soon she heard the low hum enter her range of hearing.

Entering the cottage, (y/n) set her bike against the wall and called out for her old caretaker "Anna?". Quickly the girl was pulled into a hug by strong arms. (Y/N) let out a small gasp before being put down. There stood the Huntress, glad to see the girl now in her presence. (Y/N) looked up to her and hugged her "Hiya Anna" she spoke gently to the tall woman.

Anna patted (y/n)'s head and smiled more. (Y/N) let go and smiled "sorry im late Anna, I kinda overslept" she rubbed the back of her head slowly. Anna tilted her head before giving her a soft smile and nodding to say that its okay.

(Y/N) smiled more and flinched, turning to pull a small bag off her bike handle "I got you something Anna, its that bread you like, pandisel- no I mean Pandesal" she held the bag out. Anna poked into the bag and hummed; taking out a cube shaped piece of bread and taking bites out of it.

(Y/N) let out a giggle then looked through the doorway outside "hm.. hey Anna?" The Huntress looked up at her and tilted her head. (Y/N) looked back to Anna "so remember when you used to teach me how to throw a hatchet?" She asked as Anna gave a small nod before grabbing another piece of bread.

The girl looked towards the red lockers "mind practicing with me again? I'd like to see how much I've improved" hearing that made Anna's face light up with a big smile, she nodded in agreement and finished up her piece of bread then moved towards the red lockers, pulling out 4 hatchets then returning to (y/n)

(Y/N) ready, headed outside with Anna following behind. Anna set the hatchets down on a log and moved over. (Y/N) looked at the tree where her target would be but noticed something swing off to the side.

Anna caught the look of curiosity on her face "moving target" she said, her voice above a whisper. (Y/N) nodded "oh ok, neat- uh" she looked over to the hatchets and picked one up; feeling the weight of the weapon in her hands.

(Y/N) turned to face the targets and aimed for the still one first; winding her arm back then throwing the hatchet with some force, she hit it, almost in the center but more glad that she hit it.

Anna clapped her hands together and hummed happily to express a "very good". (Y/N) smiled with that and took the second hatchet.

Aiming for the swinging target, (y/n), quickly winded her arm back again then threw the hatchet with much force. The girl missed the target but whatever her hatchet hit- it let out a loud yelp.

The Huntress was quick to react, moving fast towards the sound, (y/n) following behind. With a little bit of a suprise from the Huntress, she found that it was a man who was hit by (Y/N)'s hatchet.

This man groaned in agony before he noticed the humming Huntress and young female. (Y/N) looked at him, feeling bad for what she did but at the same time not so much, she thought to herself "its your fault for even being here, its prohibited no?"

The man had a shotgun laying by him, Anna had noticed the gun and gave a low growl while moving her hands towards her hatchets, she remembered the times she was shot at.

Anna looked at (y/n) before moving her hands away from her hatchets and gripping her axe instead; lifting it above her head. (Y/n) looked away.

The man feeling threatened, grabbed his gun and held it up; finger to the trigger. The Huntress stepped forward lowering her axe. The male closed his eyes and pointed his gun not knowing where and fired before his head was split in half. (Y/N) fell over with a loud yell.

-to be continued


Welp that was the first chapter of The Entity's Child. I really hope you enjoyed! Im not really sure what else to say so uh till next time.

Info- (y/n) is a 20 year old female with a mother - daughter relationship with the Huntress from DBD


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