Start With This

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Ok, this is gonna be slow with updates. I will try my best to stay on a consistent pattern of updating. This might be cringy because I am trying to bet better at writing fanfic and well writing in general. Please if you have any suggestions or corrections please post. I appreciate any help and feedback. Thank you for your patients.                                                                                           _______________________________________________________________________________

Name: (Y/N) (Y/L) 

Gender/Age: Female/14

Height/Weight: 5ft1 (Look I am basing this off of me I am short!)/ 105lbs

Hair color and style/Eye color: Short fluffy (Deku like fluffy) brown hair/deep green eyes 

Skin color/Scars/freckles: Light tan/small scar right cheek/small spiral of freckles on nose and cheeks

Quirk: Mold- Whatever she touches she can manipulate the matter of the item. She can warp and mold it into whatever she wants. But the size of the item determines the size of what she can create. But her hands become numb after a while or the larger the item is. 

Name: Aaron (Y/L)

Gender/Age: Male/15

Height/Weight: 5ft6 (my brothers hight)/ 138lbs

Hair color and style/Eye color: Short fluffy (Not as fluffy as (Y/N)) black hair/ dull brown

Skin color/Scars/freckles: Pale(A little tan)/no scars/ little freckles on nose

Quirk: Hand - He can create whatever he wants out of his hands that are still connected to his hands. He can create blades to a screwdriver from his hands and everything in between. But the more he uses his quirk the shorter temper he gets becoming mad over the littlest thing (Like Bakugo!! but worse if you could imagine that)

MotherName: Miki (Y/L) Hero name: Repunzle

Hair color and style/Eye color: long (past waits) black hair/ soft blue eyes

Job: Number 3 hero 

Quirk: Hair Manipulation- due to her fast-growing hair she can cut it off and mold it. She can also mold others hair as long as she is touching it. 

Father=Name: Shaun (Y/L) Hero name: Marrow

Hair color and style/Eye color: White fluffy hair/Green eyes

 Job: Number 4 hero 

Quirk: Bone- He can creat bone spikes from his hands and arms. He can use them as wepons by removing them. He can aslo creat linking items like a cage with them. 


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)" I shot up as Aaron opened up the door to my room letting the light from the hall flood in. I groned covering my face with my blankets. Just when I was about to fall asleep again my alarm blared out (input favorite song). "(Y/N) get up! School is in like 30 minutes!" Aaron pulled the blankets off. Hissing I sat up rubbing my tired eyes. Aaron left turning on the light of my room. 

I got ready. My room was large my house was large that's what happens when my parents are the third and fourth heroes (just roll with it). I brushed my mangles hair and shook it out making it fluff up. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Slipping into my U.A uniform, to be honest, I hate the skirt it is too short. 

"(Y/N) are you finally ready?" Aaron walked into my room wearing his uniform. I wished I had long bottoms instead of having to cover with knee-high socks. I nodded to his question. He smiled grabbing my wrist and dragging me downstairs to the kitchen where my mother and father where.

"Well, I am so glad that my son and daughter are going to U.A" My mother smiled her hair pinned back. I grabbed my bag getting some cash from the table. "You know that we met at U.A" My father smiled hugging me. "Yes, dad you have told us like ten thousand times about it." Aaron began to walk out of the door I turned to follow him but was stopped by my father hand on my shoulder. 

"(Y/N) wait." He pulled me into another hug. That's what odd about my dad. At first glance, he seems scary with his white hair and scars over his body. Not to mention his muscles but he was nice and carrying. "Just remember this. No dating boys or girls." he patted my head and lead me out the door. 

"What did he tell you?" Aaron asked as we made our way to school. "Oh, he said no dating," I replied blankly. Aaron only laughed. " He told me the same thing." that got my attention. Aaron was always allowed to do well everything I could not I don't know why. "Let me guess you're not gonna follow that rule." He nodded smiling. I knew him too well I might follow that rule. I have never liked anyone threw middle school I survived without a crush. Aaron fell for this girl and hard never caught her name though. 

I have never liked anyone. I probably never will. 






I hope you enjoy this. Thank you!!!!

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