Vanessa would watch her mother knelt down in front of her gripping onto her shoulders.

"Make your mommy proud, alright Vanessa?" She'd plaster that fake smile onto her face, her eyes ripping straight through Vanessa's body.

Vanessa would nod her head in agreement, bluntly. She'd bite the side of her lips, looking back at her mother sadly, as if a predator had just clawed through her skin.

Her father, would scoff looking back at his wife in disagreement, "Like she could," he'd remarked about his daughter.

Vanessa would frown, turning around gripping the sides of her backpack before heading out the door. She walked slowly to the bus stop seeing that the bus had waited for her again, per usual.

As the rain started to drip down, she brought her arm length up to her head, keeping her hair from being soaked. She stepped into the bus, hearing the same kids yapping.

She headed straight towards the back sitting at the very edge of the two boys she always sat near. The sound waves had went through her left ear, soon leaving out the other, she'd close her eyes.

Her peace was ruined as someone nudged the side of her arm. Vanessa would open her eyes slowly, as the bus stopped bumping up and down, she looked to her side.

"Good morning, Vanessa." As one of the boys would smile at her. Looking innocently at them, she just nodded her head and looked straight ahead.

She growled under her breath as she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Zoey.

Zoey would bicker at her, soon taking a seat in front of Vanessa. Vanessa had frown at Zoey choice, looking down at her shoes.

She closed her eyes, waiting for everything to end, she had blocked every noise from coming through her ears. Until, she had finally felt the motion of the bus stop moving, causing her to be pushed forward.

She'd grip the side of her head, frowning yet again. That frown would be stuck on her face if she kept frowning like that, someone had always told her.

Frowning on the way out the bus, she stood up, grabbing the side of her arms looking straight down. Sighing, she looked up at the school entrance before walking into the school.

This is when Vanessa was still very young.


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