If Only You Knew

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Hello,my name is Andy. I am a girls and not from Toy Story.
    ( 2 years old) When I was 2 my mom was pregnant with my brother. My dad was abusive and was always was doing something tho my sister and mom, no matter what mood her was in. On July 5, my mom had, had it with him.  My mom tried leaving and he took the car keys. As my sister and I were standing in the kitchen yelling at my father to stop beeting on my mom, we run to my mom's bedroom with the phone. My mom locked the door in fear for our safety, she calls my uncle as my dad bust through the door breaking it down. My uncle finally got there and imediatly starts beeting on my dad. My dad is put in a choak hold as we are running out the house to my aunt and uncle's car with put things. That is all I can remember from that day.

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