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Awkwardness aside, it was kinda nice when Dawn accepted the idea for us to go to the fair together. I mean, I sure as hell hoped that I would be able to come over to her house another time, but for now, I felt like the fair might be a good place for us to establish a firmer relationship- and that was what we wanted, right? 

I passed through the rest of my day, seeing her in English and at lunch again.

Jason ditched his seat next to me for Aria, so Dawn switched places and sat next to me. Halfway through lunch, she turned as she muttered, "Do you think we should bring those two lovebirds with us to the fair?" 

I chuckled as I glanced over to where Jason was whispering something suspicious into Aria's ear. Kat was looking at them weirdly. 

"I really don't care if they come." 

"They can make up their own minds," she decided, then asked me if we could meet up at the cafe two streets down right after school to complete the English project the teacher had assigned- although it was individual, it wouldn't hurt to do it with Dawn. 

"Except my phone is on really low charge because I forgot to charge it yesterday, so if I'm not answering anything if we can't meet up, that's why."

I nodded. I rarely used my phone to send messages, so at least that wouldn't affect me. 

Mum would be working late again and Dad honestly didn't give a shit as long as I did my homework and got good grades, so I accepted the offer with a small smile I was sure she'd seen.


I arrived at the cafe late, cursing as I let myself in. School had finished ten minutes ago, and I would've been here already in five minutes had the teacher not caught me running in the hallway and forced me to slow walk the rest of my way out until he was out of view.

My eyes scanned the room, searching for a familiar face.

She wasn't here.

It's been ten minutes. 


School's basically just finished. What your standards may be for the word 'right after school' may be different to hers. She'll be here soon enough. 

Sighing, I spotted an empty table near the back and ignored the flirty waitress who was leaning on the counter in a very... weird way, flashing me winks as I strode past her.

What the heck.

I shoved my bag down onto the ground under my seat and rested my back against the chair, crossing my arms across peering around to check on the door.

Thirteen minutes.

"Would you like something to drink?"

I glared at the waitress who had followed me and shook my head. "No thank you. I'll tell you if I'm feeling thirsty."


I tried not to feel to grossed out at the double meaning. 

"No, thank you," I said a little bit more loudly. 

She looked at me as if she wouldn't be backing down without a fight, so I ran a hand through my hair, and checked the door again.

Fifteen minutes.

I was starting to wonder whether I'd dreamed the whole lunchtime request. 

"Are you sure you don't want something to eat-"

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