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"Y/N wake up!" I hear my mum scream, I slowly get out of bed and get ready I hated school so much everyone there always picked on me, besides this one kid Tyler, he doesn't even talk to anyone, other kid sticks up for me his name is Brendon, I slightly have a crush on him. I walk downstairs and grab a bowl and make some cereal "Want a lift to school?" My brother Luke asks "Sure" I say as I take my dish to the sink and wash it. I run upstairs and grab my bag and get in the car
~Time skip~
I walk into the school and head to my locker, that's when some kid kicked my leg and started laughing, I turn around to see Ashton, "Ashton leave her alone!" I look to see who it is, it was Brendon "Aww Brendon do you like her!?" "No, I just don't seeing you pick on her she's a human with feelings you know" "And I don't care" and that's when Brendon punched him. I ran off quickly and I hear Brendon run up to me "hey you ok" he asks "I'm f-fine" I say "Ok, cool" "I got to go to Class, bye Brendon" "Cya"
I walk into class and almost everyone starts laughing, I sit in the corner till Tyler came up to me, "h-hi" he says "hi?" I reply back he sits next to me and just listens to the class.
~Time skip xD~
I walk into my last class, Brendon was in this class, again I sat in the corner and plugged my earphones in. Suddenly Brendon is sitting next to me "So, Mrs Orlando said I get to work with you on our history assignment" He says smiling "O-ok what is it about?" I ask "You know the Black Death" "Oh yea I remember now thanks" I say putting my earphone in again till he pulls it out again "Here's my number" he says hanging me a piece of paper "t-thanks" I say "can I have yours so I can text you when we can work together?" "Sure" I say giving him my number "cool bye" he says "bye"
~Time skip till nighttime~
I grab my laptop and start doing my homework til, I see my phone light up, it was a message from Brendon
Brendon: Hey, so I was thinking after school you want to get coffee and start saying what we should do for the assignment?"
You: Uh that should be fine.
Brendon: cool see you then.
~next day~
School was absolutely boring like usually, I went outside and waited for Brendon "Hey ready to go?" "I guess" I say as he opens the door for me and I get in "thanks" "welcome" he says and starts the car.
We arrive at the coffee store and Brendon buys us both a coffee "thanks, I could have paid for my own" "No it's on me I invited you"
We started talking about the assignment I really started to like him he was really smart
"Let's take a break from all this, you play any instruments?" He asks "I play Piano, Ukulele and I'm starting to learn bass" "that's cool, I play piano, bass and I sing a little" He says laughing "That's great" I say.
He ended up taking me home and I went straight to bed I was os tired but I had extreme feelings for Brendon

"We Arent Normal Humans" Brendon Urie x Reader Where stories live. Discover now