Chapter 5

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~Matt's POV~ 

So it's been two weeks since Katie friend-zoned us. We've hung out almost everyday except for the days when I had football practice and a few times when I hung out with the guys. 

"Let's walk Burnie!" I exclaim excitedly. I grab a leash and attach it to Burnie's collar.

"Yay! Let's go!" Katie runs out the front door after slipping on her shoes. I do the same before following her. 

"It's so nice out!" Katie gushes. She walks with a jump in her step and she reminds me of a 5 year old girl that has no cares in the world, even though Katie has all the cares in the world.

We walk around the neighborhood until we get to the playground with a tennis court, soccer field, basketball court, etc.  We run onto the soccer field and I throw a tennis ball for Burnie to go get.

"I got it!" Katie screams. Before I know it, she's racing Burnie to the ball and he starts barking at her. I burst out laughing as I watch them. Burnie comes to me with the ball and Katie comes back panting heavily.

"Woah, someone's out of shape." I laugh.

"Shut up!" She exclaims, gently hitting my arm. She throws the ball this time and I run, beating Burnie to it. He chases me around as Katie just stands there laughing at me making a fool out of myself.

"Fine!" I yell throwing the ball at my dog. We laugh and run around for the next half hour until we're both exhausted. We all sit on one of the benches and catch our breath, letting the relaxing silence surround us.

"Matt?" Katie says breaking the silence. "I'm ready."


~Katie's POV~ 

It's the next day, my favorite day, Saturday. I throw on a white t-shirt and than slip on my polka dot overall skirt from Bethany Mota. I zip up my black combat boots and do my makeup. I hear a doorbell ring as I add my finishing touches. I run downstairs and again find my Dad and Matt talking.

"You look beautiful." Matt tells me as I walk up to them.

"Thank you." I say blushing. We say goodbye and I get into the passenger seat of his car. 

"I'm going to make this the best date of your life." Matt promises. We smile at each other and listen to music until the car parks into a small and empty parking lot that is unfamiliar to me. Matt gets out of the car and then opens my door.

We walk into the green grass that slowly blows in the breeze, giving me such a relaxing feeling. I hear the sound of water as we walk more and more. Finally I see a dock overlooking a beautiful water view. 

"Wow." I say speechless.

"Exactly." Matt says, looking into the distance. He leads me to the end of the dock where it is like a porch, a wooden railing like the ground with a wooden roof. There is a single picnic table in the center.

"Shall we eat?" Matt asks.

"We shall." I reply. We both sit down and he opens the basket and takes out two bowls of pasta, two forks and two juice boxes.

"Mom made the pasta. I would've burnt it." Matt says adorably.

"It looks amazing." I tell him. My mouth waters as we open the small plastic bowls and dig in. It's as delicious as it looks. We finish in 5 minutes and takes sips from our juice boxes that are filled with apple juice.

" Mm! You're never to old for a good juice box." Matt says. I giggle at how cute he always is without even trying.

Matt reaches into the basket and pulls out pretzel sticks and nutella which gets me really excited.

"You know me so well already!" I exclaim, licking my lips. 

"That's 'cause I'm very observational." Matt tells me. "I'll be right back. Keep eating." He makes his way in the same direction we came from. I watch the water crash against the rocks every few minutes until Matt comes back with two skateboards. 

"Here." He hands one board to me, then throwing our napkins and empty juice boxes in the trash. He rides off the dock and I follow behind him. 

"Let's race!" I say, riding in front of Matt. We race for a while, laughing at each other. We exchange the weirdest faces, trying to make the other laugh and slow down. Of course, I win because Matt can never stop himself from laughing. 

Matt stops and I do the same when we find a bench swing. We both sit, his arm around me and my head resting against his shoulder. We swing back and fourth, talking about anything and everything, which I never did with Kyle.

"Katie? I was wondering umm... Would you be my girlfriend?" Matt asks me.

"I would love to!" I beam. "This date was perfect!"

"Just like you. Your perfectly imperfect Katie." Matt tells me. I blush before he says,

"You really are something special."


Aww! Do you ship it? 

Should their ship name be Katt or Mattie? Comment!

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I'd love talking to all my readers!


 Byee xo 

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