Chapter One- The Olympic Tunnel

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Chapter One

I look down at my white and gold Volleys and will them to miraculously turn into a pair of cute black heels. Whose idea was it to put Volleys with a skirt? And don't even get me started on this green jacket! Honestly, some people have no taste. This was the Olympics for god's sake, not some tourist trip to London. My hands wind my thick locks behind my ear, praying to some higher force that my makeup wasn't melting down my face from the heat and that it would still be perfect for when the thousands of cameras point at me when I finally reach the tunnel exit.

"Oh my god, Melanie! Emma!" Alyssa Foreman, my fellow Australian cheerleader, cries for the fifteenth time, rising high on her toes trying to peer over the guy in front of us head.

"God, what now?!" Emma Swanson, another of my fellow cheerleaders, questioned before I could get a word in sideways.

"Ryan Lochte. 1 o'clock." Both of our heads flick straight to where she is looking immediately, trying to catch even a small glimpse of the swimming god. The other girls near us look too and they spot him before I do -I can tell by their heavy sighs- and again I wish for a pair of heels to add to my height so I could see over the heads of these incredibly tall guys in front of us. Seriously, they must be on the basketball team or something with that height. Does Australia have a basketball team...? Meh, who cares.

"I can't see." My full bottom lip juts out immaturely and the wide backs in front of me miraculously part allowing my eyes to fall on the most gorgeous man.

Where do I even start on Ryan Lochte? He's just gorgeous, and not because of his all American looks -although they help- its his attitude that makes him so attractive. His swagger, I guess you could say. Mmm, and that butt...

"Why's he here?! Oh my god, how's my hair?" Alyssa's hands flutter around pointlessly in the air near her head.

"I don't know, maybe because he's on the Olympic team?" Sarcasm practically drips from Emma's mouth as she talks, hypothetically pooling in a slippery puddle near our feet.

"Duh, he's like the fastest man in the world, right? I meant here as in with the Australian team. So my hair's okay?"

"I don't know why he's here. I'm not Superman." Emma crossed her arms and turned away, the last of her care disappearing like water on a hot road.

"You guys! Who cares about the why, just the fact that he's here not ten metres in front of us is a gift!" I sigh appreciatively as my arms wrap around the shoulders of my two best friends and we all stare dreamily at the backside of the gorgeous human being who is Ryan Lochte.

"Hey! He's not just a piece of meat!" Eileen Goldman, the only loser in our cheer team -if we chose the teams she would have never made it past qualifiers, but we don't, so she's here- cries defending his 'honour'.

"Eileen, honey, there is only one reason a man like that goes out in public, and it's so girls like us, who can appreciate him, can do just that." I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her close, seemingly a perfect vice-captain.

"And I'm going to do just that!" Alyssa's iPhone snaps a quick picture, zooming intensely on his behind.

"You guys are gross." Eileen pushed away from me, turning up her nose as she made her way through the crowd to some unknown -and uncared for- place in the Australian team. As she disappeared the crowd suddenly closed in on the small clearing we had going, the last bit of personal space I had disappeared.

Moisture pooled on my neck, sweat, and my fingers pulled numbly at the top button of my horrid green blazer, and the second until it was completely open, showing my tight white blouse underneath. My nerves made the heat's effects multiply by thousands, increasing my heart rate, making sweat excrete from my pores and making my confidence waver.

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