The Cafe

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Harry Watson walked into the café. It was full. She considered turning and leaving, when she noticed a beautiful woman sitting at a table alone, watching people. She caught Harry’s eye and gave her a smile. Harry froze. The woman was beautiful. Sexy and delicate – with raven coloured hair, and wonderful green eyes. Harry shot her a flirtatious smile as she crossed the room.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she said, neglecting her usual bravado in fear it would scare away the woman. “There’s nowhere else to sit.”

The woman inclined her head. “I’m almost finished anyway.” Then she leant forward, and, without a word, kissed Harry passionately. Harry truly was frozen this time. Was this a dream? It was perfect. And then the woman drew back, fingers to lips as she frowned. She then stood and bowed slightly. “Thank you. You’ve been a great help.” She left a few notes on the table and left.

Harry sat there, with wide eyes. What the hell had just happened? 

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