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Living a life wherein people just ignores you is really bad, all you get is loneliness and sadness. If you have problems there's no one you can talk to.

You might think this just happens at school, but nope also at home. My parent's just look at me like I'm nothing. Just like staring into a thin air. When I talk to them they won't reply or even listen. When I try to touch them they shove me away just like a fly.

And my sister Lyz we sleep in the same room but she won't talk to me and would just stare at me like how my parent's do. When I ones came to her side and held her hand she shoved it off too. One time I sat beside her and told her how I like this one guy but she just ignored me and listened to music with earphones.

I have a brother Lyn since the day that all people started to ignore me, he would just come home from time to time but then be gone again. I asked my parents where he is going but my parents would just ignore me.

One time I followed where he was going it was not just him. There were a lot of people inside a car that looks like an ambulance. A nurse injected something on him. I bet those were sedatives. I just kept following them, and that's how i knew my brother was brought to a mental hospital.

He was the only one that could understand me before all the people started to ignore me. Now he is gone to and won't even talk to me. Just stare at me everytime i visit him with my parents.

It has been like this since I was 15. I am now 18 which means 3 years has passed of them being like this to me.

That Girl

Today I'm going to school. I bid good-bye to my parents but still they just ignored. It hurts but if this keeps going i might just get myself used to it.

"Hi Bailey!" I said, hoping that atleast she would reply but its obvious she wouldn't.

"Hey guys! What did you do during the weekend?" I asked as I went to my group of friends. They didn't reply.

"Guys did you feel that cold air passing by in front of us?" Gen asked. Bailey, Kin, and Yanny nodded , I was the only one that disagreed.

Me , Bailey, Kin, Gen and Yanny have been Best friends since kindergarten. I know it seems unbelievable how they are not talking to me. I know we had fights but those fights were fights about small things like who looks prettier Gen or Kin. We would reconcile like there was no fight, but now they won't talk to me.

Sometimes I would just wonder to myself, is this the life given to me? Why am I suffering such agony? I have too many questions but I know nobody will answer me.


That's the bell telling us students to go to our classes. I'm a senior in this school. This year would be our last year in this school. I was hoping to graduate with my best friends. I mean we will be graduating together but what i mean is that me and them graduating together with ties like before.

As I walk towards our classroom other students would just bump on me and worst part they wouldn't even say sorry but it's okay it has been like this for 3 years. And this year would be the last year so it's really fine.

Once I arrived at the classroom I just stood at the side. There was no chair for me anymore. I bet all the students are complete. This is fine by me it has always been like this. My classmates sitting on their chairs while me just standing by the side or the corner. All of the teachers here also ignore me.

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