So lmao i was a little high this time
This was like a few days back
I was outside my house smoking yep i like to do shit private and yes people know i do it but i like to do it alone
The person next door came out and I'm just lighting up my shit lmao i ran off and just continued smoking lol fuck at night to there was a lot of kids that were high to i was that high though but can't remember some parts of that night i went out with my friends btw and yep there was kids who were stoned to the bone like older kids teens lmao why am i saying kids their teens lmao anyways yep thats all see yeah wonder when imma get high again it's not everyday i gwt high so probably like in a month but i feel like im dying man yano i might die because I'm mot suppose to smoke like anything although no one is supposed to do it i mean like my heath my heath is really bad and I'm supposed yo keep myself healthy so i might die faster then everyone who smokes lol fuck