Part 1 - Coming Home

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Faen - "fan" - boyfriend/girlfriend, person you are dating
Ai - informal honorific, impolite, used by friends 
Ar - uncle 
Par - aunt
Mae - mom
Pôr - dad
Sawadee-kha - polite hello (kha or ka means it's a female talking)


"How can you be this cute?" Pinching his boyfriend's soft cheeks, Ae grins at the taller man. It has only been a short while since they became official and he still can't believe someone this gorgeous wants to be with an average nobody like him. He doesn't think he's anything special but, when Pete looks at him the way he always does with so much love and trust, Ae feels as though he can do anything, be anything for this person. When those sweet honey eyes stare into his own dark chocolate ones, his heart wants to burst out of his chest and it takes every bit of willpower he has not to drag the guy off like a caveman to satisfy his every pervy desire. Even pinching his cheeks, getting close enough to be wrapped in his intoxicating scent with that smooth skin under his fingertips, is a test of his self control so he drops his hands quickly, trying not to blush. Standing outside his parent's restaurant with people walking by is not the best place to molest your boyfriend, especially when he hasn't told his family yet that he has a lover, let alone that it's another man. Ae takes a deep breath to calm himself so that he can calm his nervous boyfriend. "Ai'Pete, this is not your first time coming here and you know my family adores you. N'Yim was threatening me with no more kisses on her cheeks if I didn't bring you home with me."

"But, Ae... what if they find out about us? Will they still like me then? I don't want to be the cause of problems between you and your family." Pete lowers his head to stare down at his feet with a small pout, his cheeks suddenly pinking. "I'm afraid I'll give it away on accident because I don't know how to stop the way I look at you."

"Then don't stop looking at me." Stepping closer, Ae lifts Pete's chin with his fingertips. "I like the way you look at me and I don't mind if they find out. The sooner they know the better so we don't have to keep secrets anymore."

"Ai'Ae... "

"We also don't know what that p'scumbag is up to and I wouldn't put it past him to try to blackmail you again by threatening to tell my family like he did with your mother. It's better that they hear it from me first."

"That's what you said about my Mae, too."

"And I was right, wasn't I? Everything was fine?"

"Yes, Ae was right. When I told Mae, Mae hugged me and cried and said how much she loved me no matter who I loved or what I was. She never said anything about receiving that video from p'Trump so I don't know if she ever saw it or not."

"P'scumbag definitely sent it to her. I have no doubt. He wouldn't just stop but you were brave enough to tell her yourself so he couldn't hurt you after that. No matter if she saw it or not." Ae lightly runs his hand over Pete's soft brown hair. "Be brave for me now. Don't worry about my family. I'll protect you."

"Okay, Ae." Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Pete nods his head.

"Relax and be your usual adorable self." Ae leads the way into the restaurant with Pete following closely behind. There's a few customers sitting around the sturdy worn tables with delicious scents wafting out of the kitchen area. "I'm home!"

"P'Ae!" A familiar high-pitched shout comes from across the room and a petite girl in a high school uniform bolts over to latch onto Ae's left arm with both hands. Startled, Ae looks down into her smiling face in confusion.

"N'Chompoo? What are you doing here?" He tries to pull away but the girl tugs him back and tightens her hold. Continuing to wrestle with her, Ae looks back to find Pete staring at the girl, frozen.

"Ae! Why didn't you tell us you had a cute girlfriend?" His sister-in-law walks up behind Chompoo with a teasing smile.

"What?!" Shaking his head, Ae finally extracts himself from Chompoo's possessive grip and steps closer to Pete. Before he can explain, his brother joins them with his little daughter in his arms and a wide smile, shaking a finger at Ae.

"You have have been keeping secrets, n'Ae. Is this the owner of those soft cheeks you said you'd kiss when Yim wouldn't let you kiss her?" Oh laughs when he sees Ae's face darken in a blush, thinking that he's right but gets a shock when Yim wiggles out of his arms.

"It isn't p'Chompoo, Por." The girl, dressed in a bright yellow sundress with her dark hair up in two swinging pigtails, runs over to Pete and raises her arms. Pete automatically picks her up and snuggles her close when she sniff-kisses his cheek. "Ar'Pete has the softest cheeks. Ar'Ae would kiss ar'Pete's cheeks if Yim wouldn't let ar'Ae kiss Yim."

Pete stops breathing, his eyes widen, and a deep blush covers his skin. The little girl's innocent comment was going to out them before they had a chance to say anything. He hides his burning skin in the side of Yim's hair, refusing to look up at anyone.

There is an awkward pause. None of them quite know how to respond to what Yim said. While Pete is hiding, Ae is staring wide-eyed at his niece with a half goofy smile. A frowning Chompoo latches back onto his arm, trying to get his attention. Ae's brother and his wife look between the three in confusion.

"That's not true, is it, p'Ae," Chompoo says with confidence, thinking she knows Ae so well. Ae is her hero, the person she loves most and obviously was fated for her since she had found him after diligently searching for him for a week. Destiny had brought them together, just like in those romances she likes to read. "P'Ae is my faen, my hero."


Don't worry my darling readers. The second part is already posted with this. No waiting!
Please, don't faint from shock. That could get awkward if you are reading this while out an about, like in the middle of Bio or waiting in line for groceries. 
"Clean up in aisle 2. Someone passed out over BL fan fiction... again. Probably reading the Prince's stories so watch out for puddles of copious tears or drool... and possible other fluids if they are reading the smutty bits."
"How do you know about the smutty bits?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about, ma'am. Please return to your place in line."
"But you said..."
"Shhhhh! The Prince is listening. He's always listening. Do you want to provoke him?! No, I don't think you do so return to your place."

Somehow, I think that clerk is a fan. Maybe...

Anyway, on with the show!

Don't forget to light up my world by clicking on the star and leaving a comment or five.
Thanks for reading!

Jae Le, Prince of Evil

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