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Flashing lights surrounded Ronnie's eyes. Only 2 hours until she would be arriving to Chestwood Academy Boarding School in Portland, Maine. She looked to the seat next to her, filled with her best friend, Jade. They had been friends for sixteen years, even when they were in the womb. Their mother's had been friends since high school, so they were as close as sisters. Ronnie looked back at the window. They were about twelve kilometers up off the ground, so only the distant lights of the city was all she could see. The voice of the pilot came on the intercom. An hour and 56 minutes until they arrived. Fear overcame Ronnie. It wasn't that she was scared of a new school, it was this would be the first time she would truly be away from home. She was only a junior, but she was finally able to go to Chestwood because it was only for juniors and seniors.

She looked over at her friend taking a Xanax. Jade was terrified of heights, so taking a plane was the worst possible thing for her to do. "You okay?" Ronnie didn't know how to comfort her panicking friend, so this was the only thing she knew how to say. Jade looked at her and just shook her head. Ronnie checked the time on her phone. One hour and fifty two minutes. She sighed and closed her eyes.

Ronnie suddenly woke as she felt a tapping on her shoulder. A boy, looking about sixteen was standing next to her and Jade's seats. He had gorgeous hazel eyes, with short, wavy, brunette hair. She could get lost in his eyes, but before she could, he spoke. "I ran into your friend and she said both of you were going to Chestwood." Ronnie nodded, staying silent. "I'm also heading there." He sat down in Jade's seat. "I'm Adrian."

"Ronnie." She simply replied. She didn't know what else to say, so she turned her head around, hiding her face and the very obvious blushing surrounding her cheeks.

"Oh and your friend told me to tell you she was in the bathroom." Adrian was looking at her, but Ronnie wouldn't look back. Finally after five very awkward minutes, Jade came back. Adrian got up and talked to Jade a little more. Ronnie couldn't hear any word because she had already put her earbuds in. She didn't know why she was pushing him away, but she couldn't help it. Eventually Adrian went back to his seat, and Jade sat back down.

"Did you have a nice conversation with Adrian?" Jade pulled out Ronnie's left earbud, and she replied with a simple 'ow'.

"I guess" Ronnie shrugged. She didn't know what to think about him yet. She didn't even want to think about him. Jade rolled her eyes and went back to reading her book. Ronnie put her headphones back in, closing her eyes again.

She felt herself jerk forward, forcing her eyes to open suddenly. She watched people getting up all around her, holding their suitcases and walking out of the plane. They had finally arrived in Maine. After several minutes of waiting to get out of the airport, an Uber arrived for both girls, and they were on their way to the new school.

It didn't take long until they got there, so there wasn't any time for them to relax. They pulled their suitcases out of the trunk before the car sped away, and stood in front of the enormous building before them.

"Woah" both girls said in unison. They looked at each other and chuckled.

"You ready?" Jade asked Ronnie, still staring at the building, clutching her suitcase.

Ronnie nodded, before both girls walked in.

The dorm Ronnie was placed in was bigger than she expected. It had enough room for four people, but could only hold two. Exhausted, she set her things on her side of the room. The other side was full of black, from the bedding, to the poster, to the walls. Ronnie set up her room, filling her side with fairy lights and polaroid pictures of her friends from home. About 30 minutes later, a girl with raven hair, which was obviously dyed, entered the room. Her hair was long, about to the ending of her back, and straight, with not a single curl in sight. Her nose ring was one of the first things Ronnie noticed, next to her all black clothing. The girl stopped to look at Ronnie bright and colorful side of the room and just rolled her eyes. She plopped down on her bed, taking out a book. Ronnie stood there for very long, uncomfortable seconds, not knowing what to say. Finally, she spoke. "I'm Ronnie."

"Carmilla." The raven haired girl spoke, not making eye contact. Ronnie sighed, sitting down on her bed. This year was going to be a long one.

The buzzing sound of Ronnie's alarm woke up both girls. It was the next day, which meant classes would start in an hour, but first, breakfast. This was something Ronnie was nervous about. Of course, she would have Jade, but what if it wasn't enough? What if they couldn't make any other friends? A rush of anxiety overfilled her. It wasn't until Carmilla threw her pillow at her, signaling her to turn it off. At this point, it was obvious she didn't like Ronnie.

Ronnie checked the time after getting dressed. Only ten minutes before she had to be at breakfast, or she wouldn't be allowed in. It was a weird rule, just like all of the others. Ronnie had to read it the night before, on a contract she was given. It was weird, that 16 and 17 year old's were being given a contract for their school. The thing was, it wasn't a normal contract. It was in really fine print, but of course, Ronnie didn't read a single word, just signed it.

She ran over to her dresser, brushing her hair as quickly as possible. She loved her hair. It was probably one of the only things she was proud of. It was dark at the top, but faded to a blondish white. She checked the time again; five minutes. She picked up her bag, and ran to the door. She saw Carmilla had already left. Thanks for waiting for me, she thought. She closed the door quickly behind her.

Breakfast was interesting. She sat with Jade, and nobody else, which was fine with her. She noticed the boy she had met earlier on the plane, Adrian. He was surrounded by a bunch of kids at his table, not even noticing her. Looking around the dining room, she got a weird feeling, but quickly pushed that feeling away.

Eventually, breakfast ended, which meant time for her first class; French. Ronnie gathered her things, quickly saying goodbye to her friend. She walked quickly to class, not knowing where she was going. She looked behind her, which caused her to slam into someone, knocking both of them to the ground.

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