She is Mine

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                                                                             Chapter 1                                                                                                                    

"Come on mom, the bus is boarding now," I pleaded. I still had to have my luggage checked and if I had to take another picture I'd break that camera. Although I didn't have much luggage, two suitcases and a hand bag, I've been waiting all week for this moment. My chance to leave, to start over on my own. Could you really blame me for wanting to go. Now! 

"Leehi you still have fifteen minutes. You'll be okay. Now you and Caius stand right here for another picture.

My mother and little brother both came to see me off. It was nice of them but I wish they didn't. I can already feel my chest and throat getting tight. If I stand here any longer I know what will happen. No, I won't allow that to happen. I've worked to hard to come this far. I'm not turning back. I'm going. I have to. This is my only chance. But...

"Bus number I34, Detroit to California, is boarding now. Please form a line here and have your tickets ready," a man in a blue uniform stated.

"Mom that's me. I got to go."

"Okay, okay. Caius help your sister with her bags."

"Yes, Mom."

"And Leehi, this is for you." Mom handed me a paper bag. Inside of it was a small square cake and an envelope. Inside the envelope was five hundred dollars and a card reading "Happy 18th birthday". That did it. I could feel the tears I've been holding back this whole time start to pore out.

"Awe Mom you made her cry".

"I can't take this. You and Caius need this money more than I do."

"Your taking it and I will not argue about it with you. Understand."

I nodded knowing that she will not be talked into taking it back. I loved them so much. My mom and brother, even my dad.

As if psychic my mom stated, "It's a shame He couldn't come see you off too. Work, ha. How long do He think that will work as an excuse. I wonder who He's layed up with right now."

"Mom, don't."

"I'm sorry, Leehi, it just makes me so mad. But enough of that. It's time for you to get on the bus." Mom said. The phone in her pocket started to ring. "Speak of the Devil," she said as she walked off to answer it. Probably so Caius and I wouldn't over hear.

"Hey sis?"


"You don't have to go."

I couldn't think of what to say. How could I stay? There was nothing left here. "I need a chance to start over," I said. "This is my chance to do something for myself, on my own."

"Is that it?"

"It's something that's important to me. I need to do this."

"So you won't be talked out of it?"


"Well take care of yourself big sis," Caius said. Then he did something unexpected. He hugged me. In the fifteen years of his life I can't remember a time he ever hugged me.

Mom was back by now, "That was your father. He wishes you a safe trip and is sorry he couldn't make it." Mom then went on to curse under her breath and damn dad to hell.

Another dozen pictures and a few tearful goodbys later I was on the bus. Putting on my headphones and turning my ipod on max, I settled in.

Author notes

Just posting something up because I haven't added a story yet. So this is the start of what I hope will become an interesting teen romance. I always wanted to write a full out romance novel. I always include it in my stories but it's never the main focus. So I hope to turn that around with this piece of work. Although I'm not sure I'll get it quite there, I'm literally grabbing ideas out of thin air for what I plan to happen next. Well for those of you who like it leave a nice comment and maybe a word or two on what I should do next. Those who don't, please feel free to rip this to shreds and tell me what I should do to fix it. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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