Step One: Don't ask anyone about their past.

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The majority of people at this dump aren't here because they chose to be (as if anyone would choose to come here.)

They're here because of past problems. Or, in my case, they were forced to come by ridiculously patronising parents.

Anyway...quite a lot of people here have secrets. And secrets are there for a reason.

If people want to share their story, they will in their own time.

Don't ever ask them to.

If they have placed any trust in you it will most likely be destroyed if you ask them. And if they trust you enough, they should tell you.

Asking about one's past when they are reluctant to tell will probably result in problems. Here are some:

• Anger.

• Violence.

• Bad vibes.

• Ruined friendship. (Although if you follow this guide and keep your distance, that won't be a problem.)

• And yeah, trouble in general.

So just don't do it.

If you were to ask someone about their background, seriously, it would be suicide.

They obviously don't want to tell you for a reason, and you have to respect that. In the end, it's their secret, not yours.

Even the school staff don't know my story. And that's how I want to keep it.

Outside of my family, only one living person in the whole world knows my past.

I hope you get the idea now. It's just not wise.

And thus, step one of the Guide to an Easy Life is:

Don't ask anyone about their past. Ever. Just don't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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